Yüksekova co-mayor Diri: We use resources for our people

Yüksekova Municipality co-mayor Şoreş Diri stated that they are working intensively to fix the damage caused by the trustees and said, "We are using all the resources of our municipality for our people."

The DEM Party won back the municipality of Yüksekova (Gever), in the province of Hakkari/ Colemêrg, in the 31 March elections, after 8 years of trustees.

Yüksekova Municipality co-mayor Şoreş Diri told ANF that they have paid a debt of 75 million since they came to power and noted that they are determined to complete their short, medium and long-term work despite the huge debt and damage.

Co-mayor Diri said: "We have been on duty for more than four months. The municipality was indebted for approximately 1 billion TL. We have paid 75 million TL in debt since we came to power."

We will do the best for our people

Co-mayor Diri added: "We started by building our roads. We organized the biggest tender in the history of Gever Municipality. This tender cost 57 million TL. Our asphalt work is currently ongoing in 16 streets in 7 different neighborhoods. We are trying to solve the pavement problems of our city. We opened the roads of 6 neighborhoods. Our bazaar center had a lighting problem. We solved the lighting problem as soon as we took office. We continue our work despite these problems. We will use all the resources of our municipality for the needs of our people. As we promised our people, we will do our best in 5 years."

Unemployment and drug problems

Noting that unemployment and drug problems among young people in the district are at serious levels, Diri shared the following: "We are working on employment areas that we will create for our young people. We will open workshops on language and culture. We will establish our women's unit to help solve women's problems and work in a solution-oriented manner. Unfortunately, there is a swamp of drugs and prostitution. We will establish our own commissions to combat this. We will do our best to end this problem. Our people should know very well that we will solve all our problems."