YBŞ urges KDP to end restrictions on Yazidi people and youths

Yekineyen Berxwedana Şengalê (Sinjar Resistance Units,YBŞ) General Command has issued a statement urging the KDP to immediately end all the restrictions it imposed on the people of Sinjar.

Yekineyen Berxwedana Şengalê (Sinjar Resistance Units,YBŞ) General Command has issued a statement urging the KDP to immediately end all the restrictions it imposed on the people of Sinjar. YBŞ stressed that the approaches and attitude of the KDP constituted an obstacle to national unity.

YBŞ recalled that the Yazidi people who have a great importance and history in Kurdistan have faced numerous massacres for centuries but managed to protect their own culture, history and belief by mounting resistance against many attempts and threats of massacre.

The statement by YBŞ remarked that the greatest of these massacres took place on 3 August 2014 when ISIS slaughtered large numbers of Yazidi people and forced tens of thousands to migration. “In response to the latest attempt of massacre, Sinjar Resistance Units which is made up of Yazidi youths and people have fulfilled their duty to ensure the defense and liberation of Sinjar and its people”, YBŞ said, reminding that they had repeatedly voiced so far the fact that the KDP and asayesh (public security) forces hindered the return of Yazidi people and youths back to Sinjar for various reasons for the last four months.

Noting that the youths of Sinjar and Kurdistan who wanted to return to undertake the duty of defense were arrested by KDP and its asayesh forces without any justification, YBŞ General Command underlined that these approaches which they have criticized many times harmed both national unity and the operation to liberate Sinjar.

YBŞ urged the KDP officials to give an immediate end to such unacceptable approaches and implementations which -it said- caused a growing reaction among the Yazidi people and youths.

The statement added that YBŞ Command will not be responsible for any negative consequences that the reaction of the Yazidi people committed to their land and belief might lead up to.