YBŞ: 6 of our comrades were martyred in Turkish attacks in the last three days

Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ) announced that 6 of their fighters were martyred in the attacks of the occupying Turkish state in the last three days.

In a written statement on Friday, the Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ) said, “The occupying and genocidal Turkish state has carried out extensive attacks on Shengal by both warplanes and UCAVs in the last 3 days. A total of 16 points were bombed. Most of the bombed locations were places where civilians live.”

The statement said: “We have previously reported that the fascist Turkish state attacked without making any distinction between civilians and soldiers. As a result of these attacks, many civilians were injured or martyred.

The occupying Turkish state bombarded the Barê region of Xanesor on the night of 24 October and our comrade Rojhat Ereb was martyred in the bombardment. In the attacks carried out by the fascist Turkish state on the night of 25 October, 11 locations were bombed, and villages and city centres were targeted in these attacks. In the attacks on the night of 25 October, 5 of our comrades were martyred and one other was wounded.”

The YBŞ statement further said the following: “Our comrades Nemir, Azad, Ezîz, Orhan, Dilgeş and Rojhat, each of whom joined the ranks of the struggle on different dates, led an honourable life until their last breath. Our comrades left us a great value of struggle with their stance, lives, sacrifices, labour, courage and will. They protected the culture of resistance of their peoples. Our comrades lived with an awareness of the truth of their people and defended their values, beliefs, sacredness, religion, culture and language. By keeping the culture they lived in alive in their personalities, they kept the history of heroism alive. In the ranks of the struggle, they made this understanding the basis of their power to take revenge and hold the occupiers to account. They never chose surrender and an ordinary life and did not stoop to the system. During their struggle, they never refrained from labouring, serving and paying the price. Wherever and under whatever circumstances, they fulfilled their duties with great desire and happiness.

For this reason, our comrades Nemir, Azad, Ezîz, Orhan, Dilgeş and Rojhat will remain the most valuable examples of life for us until the end. Just as the invaders have been held to account throughout history and history has been avenged, of course, the revenge of all our martyrs in the person of these comrades will be taken from the enemies of our people. As their comrades, we reiterate this promise. Cowardly attacks will not deter us from our struggle, but, on the contrary, will strengthen us even more. Our enemies know this very well.

The occupying and genocidal Turkish state has once again shown its hostility towards our community with these attacks. The Turkish state has been the enemy of Yazidis throughout history. The Turkish state has also had a hand in the 70 genocides our people have suffered. However, the genocidal Turkish state should know that we will fight against them in the same way as our ancestors fought against them. As YBŞ-YJŞ, our strength to fight and protect our people against all kinds of attacks is greater than ever. The biggest example of this is the war we fought against ISIS. We have achieved victory against ISIS, and we will achieve victory with the same spirit and belief from now on. From this day on, we will continue to struggle and pay the price for the freedom of our people. The occupying Turkish state is also afraid of this. This fear shows that we are on the right path.

At this point, we will give the necessary answers to the ongoing attacks. If they attack us and our people, they will have to answer. We know that the Turkish state did not carry out these attacks alone. We know well that the power that forms the basis of these attacks by the Turkish state is the KDP. This is clearly evident. International powers that condone the attacks of the Turkish state must now fulfil their responsibilities. In particular, the Iraqi government and international coalition forces should be aware of their responsibilities and should not remain silent against the attacks.

Our people must act with the spirit of struggle and resistance of the martyrs. It should be well known that there is no other way but resistance. As YBŞ-YJŞ, the defence force of the people, we are ready to do our part and pay whatever the price may be. Our martyred comrades have created a great spirit, faith, will, wisdom, sacrifice and courage for us. Thanks to our martyrs, we are fighting a great struggle today. It is thanks to the labour of our martyrs that we are the greatest power in Shengal. While those who had weapons did not resist against ISIS, we, as the people and defence forces, have increased the struggle and based on living a meaningful and dignified life. As we won this war, we will win the war against the occupying Turkish state. No one should have any doubt about this because YBŞ-YJŞ was established and organised for a purpose. Therefore, this is the place of resistance, holding the occupation to account, revenge, honour and struggle. As the defence force of our people, we have gained a great deal of experience in the consciousness of the Democratic Nation and we continue our struggle on the basis of a democratic and ecological society and the consciousness of women's freedom.

The Iraqi government's silence is a disgrace. Your territory and sovereignty are being violated. Your citizens are being targeted. But you do not take a serious stance. This silence of the Iraqi government arouses suspicion within the Yazidi community. The Iraqi government must recognise its duties and responsibilities towards its territory, its citizens and its sovereignty.

International powers and coalition forces must also react because this attack is against all international agreements and laws.

For this reason, our society must be more courageous, responsible and conscious than ever for autonomy and freedom. We have paid many prices and yielded many martyrs for this cause. We must walk on the path of these martyrs and take them as a basis. Only in this way can we achieve victory. We will take the line of the martyrs in the last 3 days as the line of Mam Zekî, Zerdeşt, Seîd Hesen Seîd, İsa, Dijwar, Pîr Çeko, Nujîn, Berîvan, Nujiyan and we will increase the struggle as YBŞ. Our martyrs will be a power of struggle and resistance for us. The beliefs, courage and sacrifices of our martyrs will illuminate the path of our struggle.

On this basis, we express our condolences to the families of our comrades Nemir, Azad, Ezîz, Orhan, Dilgeş and Rojhat and to all the families of martyrs and our people. We reiterate our promise to live and struggle on the path of our martyrs and realise their dreams.”

The ID information of the fallen YBŞ fighters is as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Nemir Helîqî

First-Last Name: Heval Nemir Qasim Elî

Mother’s Name: Bihar

Father’s Name: Qasim Elî

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 25 October 2024 –Barê


Nom de Guerre: Orhan Şengal

First-Last Name: Ûmran Ehmed Qasim Qolo

Mother’s Name: Nofa

Father’s Name: Ehmed

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 25 October 2024 –Barê


Nom de Guerre: Dilbirîn Şengal

First-Last Name: Ezîz Xeyro Cirdo

Mother’s Name: Gulê

Father’s Name: Xeyro

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 25 October 2024 –Barê


Nom de Guerre: Azad Şengalî

First-Last Name: Raîd Xalid Husên

Mother’s Name: Xezal

Father’s Name: Xalid

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 25 October 2024 –Barê


Nom de Guerre: Dilgeş Şengalî

First-Last Name: Selah Hesen Emer

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 25 October 2024 –Barê


Nom de Guerre: Rojhat Ereb

First-Last Name: Wead Hemed Hîwed Hîklê

Mother’s Name: Xidiriya Hewad Salîm

Father’s Name: Hemed Hîwed Hîklê

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 24 October 2024 –Barê