People took to the streets in Sur, Bağlar districts and Huzurevleri neighborhood in Amed to protest the warfare policy pursued by the AKP against Kurds, and the isolation imposed on Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı prison.
Youths clashing with police in some districts and neighborhoods dug trenches on the streets to hinder the entrance of police.
Protests against the AKP's policies and war against the Kurdish people continued across the main Kurdish city Amed today as well.
The youths joining protests in Bağlar district, Sento, Göçmenler, Emek and Gürsel streets faced a crackdown by police with tear gas and water cannons, to which they responded with stones and stun grenades. In some locations, guns were also used during clashes that ended after the dispersion of the demonstrators into side streets.
Youths in Lalebey neighborhood in Sur district were also attacked by police, upon which clashes erupted as they responded to the attacks.
In some neighborhoods, demonstrators dug trenches to hinder the police from entering the streets to brutalize the protestors.