Talabani: Attack on Arbat Airport is a crime and violation of borders

PUK Leader Bafil Talabani defined the attack on Arbat Airport in Sulaymaniyah as a part of plans to disturb peace and stability.

Bafil Talabani, leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), condemned the drone attack on the Arbat Airport in Sulaymaniyah that killed three peshmerga fighters on Monday.

Talabani defined the attack as a crime and violation of the borders of Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) and Iraq, and a part of plans to disturb peace and stability in Southern Kurdistan and mainly at the Sulaymaniyah border.

“It is the duty of all political parties in the Kurdistan region to defend Kurdistan against enemies and to fight together against threats and security gaps caused by repeated negligence,” Talabani said.

The PUK leader called on the Iraqi government to uphold its legal and national duty for the protection of the lands and airspace of Iraq and the Kurdistan region, and to not allow such attacks and violations under any circumstances.

Bafil Talabani called upon the friends of the Kurds, all countries and all libertarian people to adopt a stand against terror attacks of this kind, saying: “The Kurds, who have fought terror on the very front lines and paid heavy prices, should not be subjected to such terror attacks.”

Vowing to frustrate the attacks all together, Talabani stated that they would achieve peace in unity and solidarity and confront any and all attacks.