Special units of YJA Star send message to mark 31st anniversary of martyrdom of Bêrîtan

The special units of the women's guerrilla YJA Star sent a message from the war tunnels on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of Bêrîtan Hêvî's death.

Special forces of the YJA Star (Free Women's Troops) sent a message from the war tunnels in the Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the death of freedom fighter Bêrîtan Hêvî (Gülnaz Karataş). The guerrilla commander was surrounded by KDP Peshmerga 31 years ago, on 25 October 1992, and refused to surrender. Instead, she resisted to the last cartridge, destroyed her weapon so that it would not fall into enemy hands, and threw herself from a rock to avoid being captured. She became a symbol of the women's army that was founded afterwards.

'We struggle with the attitude of Comrade Bêrîtan'

The statement from the women fighters resisting the Turkish army in war tunnels said: "We salute the 30th anniversary of the founding of our women's army. We warmly greet Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], who did a great deal for the founding of the Women's Army. By bowing before our immortal commander, Comrade Bêrîtan, we bow in respect to all the martyrs of the revolution. We take the example of Comrade Bêrîtan, who fought the enemy to the last bullet and refused any surrender. Before she took her last breath, she threw herself into the arms of freedom. With this attitude she struck the enemy in the heart. Martyr Bêrîtan defines the line of our struggle. As a YJA star, we fight in the footsteps of Comrade Bêrîtan, Delal Amed, Leyla Sorxwîn and Axîn Muş."

'We are everywhere'

The message continued: "The enemy should know that as YJA Star, we are everywhere, sometimes on the tops of mountains, sometimes just a breath away from them. Sara and Rûken's successors will never stop. We will follow the path of our commanders, Zilan, Bêrîtan, Ruken and Sara, until our last breath. No matter how much the enemy attacks us, no matter how many forbidden weapons he uses, he will not succeed against the guerrillas. He can never break our will. Today, the guerrillas led by YJA Star are inflicting heavy blows on the enemy. Our people should also know this: our actions against the enemy will continue. We will not stop until isolation is broken, until our country is liberated, until Rêber Apo regains his physical freedom. The forces of treason collaborating with the enemy must now stop. That was also Comrade Bêrîtan's demand. We also have the right to live freely in our country with our culture, language and history. We appeal to young women; they should no longer accept living in a system of rapists. Our people in Bakur are known for their resistance and uprisings to this day. They should be wary of the enemy's special wars. As YJA Star fighters we will never give up our fight. As a force, we are ready to make any sacrifice for Rêber Apo and our people. We face all kinds of attacks and we will resist."