Sarıyıldız: Roboskî people targeted for protecting the memories of victims

HDP Şırnak parliamentarian Faysal Sarıyıldız commented on the recent attacks on Roboskî and the massacre of mules in the village. Sarıyıldız stated that the people of Roboskî were targeted for not having sold out the memories of their children.

HDP Şırnak parliamentarian Faysal Sarıyıldız commented on the recent attacks on Roboskî and the massacre of mules in the village. Sarıyıldız stated that the people of Roboskî were targeted for not having sold out the memories of their children.

People of Roboskî have recently been under state attack recently. The village has been under the military’s siege for the past two months, which prevents the residents of Roboskî from doing trade across the border and satisfying their basic needs.

The massacre of mules on the border expanded into the village two days ago when soldiers shot at houses randomly and killed 5 mules. Luckily, no civilian was hurt during this attack. 4 children were taken under custody and tortured for supposedly having thrown stones at soldiers. Soldiers also shot at people marching to the border in order to protest state attacks yesterday, and shot İsa Encü in his stomach.


ANF asked HDP Şırnak parliamentarian Faysal Sarıyıldız why the Turkish state was attacking civilians so fiercely despite the lack of any investigation and resolution on Roboskî massacre. Sarıyıldız described the massacre as the deepest wound of Kurdistan and said that the state’s decision to not shed any light on the massacre is exemplary of state oppression and fascism.

Sarıyıldız stated that the lack of a punishment for the people who carried out the massacre augmented the people’s anger. Sarıyıldız argued that the government is feeling threatened for the past 3 months after the Kurdish Freedom Movement’s representation of peoples’ hopes and will, and therefore toys with people’s pains as it has done in Roboskî recently. Sarıyıldız said that the state implemented a special policy on Roboskî, and aggravated people’s anger on purpose. Sarıyıldız emphasized the soldier’s prevention of trade across the border, and said that the daily deployment and transfer of soldiers around Roboskî angers the residents of the village.


Sarıyıldız reminded the massacre of mules in the village and said that the state toyed with people’s pains and sufferings in order to traumatize the civilians here. Sarıyıldız explained that the villagers depended on across-border trade due to the destruction of stockbreeding and agriculture in Kurdistan. Sarıyıldız said that across-border trade was vital for the survival of several villages across the border and did not threaten the state in anyway. Sarıyıldız criticized the description of across-border trade as ‘illegal’ in an atmosphere where millions of dollars are being embezzled and thieves are awarded by the state.


Sarıyıldız highlighted the state approach ignorant of people’s pains as the basis of attacks targeting the people of Roboskî and said that the state attacks the village because it cannot silence the families of the victims living here. Sarıyıldız reminded that Erdoğan and the government offered the families of the victims a few thousand liras as blood money and got angered when the people of Roboskî decided to refuse this money and promise their lost ones that they would struggle until the people responsible for the massacre are brought to justice.