RJAK calls for the establishment of a joint coalition and front against Turkish attacks

The Kurdistan Free Women's Movement calls for unity against Turkish occupation and attacks in South Kurdistan.

The Kurdistan Free Women's Movement (RJAK) released a statement about the Turkish aerial attack that injured three people in the village of Bosken, in the Ranya district in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) on 6 November.

RJAK called on all women, citizens, parties and circles in South Kurdistan to take a stand against Turkish occupation.

Pointing to the increasingly ongoing Turkish attacks across South Kurdistan in recent years, RJAK criticised the South Kurdistan officials’ silence and inaction in the face of the attacks and massacres against the people.

RJAK remarked that the silence of Kurdish parties and groups enables the enemy to easily achieve its goals and continue its occupation in the region.

“We in the RJAK call on all parties and circles in South Kurdistan to establish a joint coalition and front against the occupiers. It is a national duty to take a stand against occupation,” said the movement.

“The slogan ‘No occupation’ should become the basis of unity to confront attacks like the one carried out yesterday. For this reason, messages and statements should be put into practice,” concluded the statement by the Kurdistan Free Women's Movement.