Police heavily injure one child in Cizre

Police attacked the civilians who were protesting the attacks on guerrillas and the political genocide operations, and heavily injured one child. Civilians started to resist against police attacks.

Police attacked the civilians who were protesting the attacks on guerrillas and the political genocide operations, and heavily injured one child. Civilians started to resist against police attacks.

Police pressures on neighborhoods in Şırnak’s Cizre district make things more intense and civilians began to dig trenches after the police deployment of armored vehicles in Nur neighborhood and Nusaybin and İdil streets last night around 22:00. Despite the lack of any protests, police filled Nur and Cudi neighborhoods with tear gas and attempted to enter side streets with armored vehicles.


Neighborhood residents were on the watch all night and chanted slogans of ‘Pressures will not intimidate us!’ to protest police attacks. When police vehicles wanted to fill the trenches people had dig earlier, civilians responded with stones and fireworks in order to repel the police attack.

As clashes in Nur neighborhood continued, Young protestors from Cudi Neighborhood reached Nusaybin Street and attacked police vehicles with fireworks and molotovs in Otogar Junction and other locations.

17 years-old M.E.O.whom police shot with a real bullet was sent to Amed after his initial examination in Cizre State Hospital.


Reportedly, an armored police vehicle was attacked with rockets and received heavy damages in the attack where nobody died. After the rumors of this attack, police shot fires randomly and hit many workplaces and houses in Nur Neighborhood. Residents responded with making noises in their houses and the events died out when police left the neighborhood around 03:30.


Young people took Turkish warplanes’ attacks on Medya Defense Zones to the streets and stopped traffic in Aşiti and Azadi neighborhoods. Clashes began when police attacked young people’s barricades with panzers and armored vehicles, and young people responded with fireworks, molotovs and stun grenades. Clashes continued until the late hours of the night and civilians were on watch and protested police violence until the early hours of the morning.