Kurdish writer arrested by the Iranian regime on hunger strike
Kurdish writer Elî Reza Spahi Lain who was arrested by the Iranian regime has gone on a hunger strike.
Kurdish writer Elî Reza Spahi Lain who was arrested by the Iranian regime has gone on a hunger strike.
Kurdish writer Elî Reza Spahi Lain who was arrested on November 30 in the Kelat Nadiri, Xoresan for an article he wrote has gone on a hunger strike.
Elî Reza stated that he has started the hunger strike because he was unlawfully arrested and the case file is unclear. Elî Reza Spahi Lain had been summoned to court for a deposition and was subsequently arrested by the court on November 30.
Elî Reza Spahi Lain has written more than 10 books in Kurdish and Persian and had been detained by Iranian intelligence several times.