KCK calls upon peoples to rise up against massacres by AKP

KCK said security forces that attacked the people everywhere continued killing civilians by breaking the principles of war and taking the anti-Kurd remarks of the Turkish President and Prime Minister as an order to themselves.

In a written statement on today's execution of three people in Ağrı's Diyadin district, two of whom were minors, KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency called attention to the ongoing killing of civilians by the Turkish state.

Remarking that the AKP government and President started a war against the Kurdish people, KCK said security forces that attacked the people everywhere continued killing civilians by breaking the principles of war and taking the anti-Kurd remarks of the Turkish President and Prime Minister as an order to themselves.

KCK underlined that Tayyip Erdoğan's mindset defending 'to do whatever is necessary, let it be women or children' has been put into practice all around the villages, towns, cities, neighborhoods and streets of Kurdistan today.

"The AKP government intends to break the Kurdish people's will for freedom through oppression. This is why it murdered a number of civilians during the non-conflict process. For the AKP government, killing of civilians has become normal by now. The AKP ruling witnessed hundreds of murders whose perpetrators are known but not tried, and 90 percent of these murders were committed by police and soldiers."

Noting that the Turkish press either ignored the killing of civilians by state forces or passed them over as third page news, KCK said even a documentation of the civilians killed during the non-conflict process would reveal the crimes AKP perpetrated.


Stressing that the targeted killing of Serhat region's people was not a coincidence, KCK said the AKP government now avenged the defeat it faced in Diyadin before the June 7 election when the local people risked their own lives against a plot meant to claim the lives of dozens of soldiers and guerrillas.

KCK noted that the people of Agiri and Serhat played the most important role in the defeat of the AKP government in the June election, saying this was the reason why AKP now particularly targeted Ağrı, Erzurum, Muş, Kars, Iğdır and Ardahan. Describing the Diyadin executions as the last part of these attacks, KCK said; "It is understood that the AKP government will continue taking revenge for its June 7 defeat."

Recalling that the AKP government on a daily basis accused the HDP of supporting the PKK and put pressure on it for not calling the Kurdish Freedom Moement terrorist, KCK said it was this mindset that punished the people whose slogan 'PKK is the people, and the people are here' resonated out in the streets every day.

KCK emphasized that the Kurdish people were being killed, tortured and jailed because of their demand for a free and democratic living.

Reminding of the recent humiliating insults voiced by police against a group of detainees in a construction site in Gever (Yüksekova), asking them "What did this state do to you?", KCK said Kurds were being treated and punished by Turkish forces in this way everywhere they were present.

Stressing that the killing, torture and arrest of civilians has become a daily event in Kurdistan, while it would rise great troubles if happened in any other part of Turkey, KCK said this was the essential problem, a reality and contradiction that needed to be seen in the first place by those claiming there to be democracy and rule of law in Turkey.


KCK continued, underlining that; "Youths and children are being killed in Cizre and Nusaybin, but the Turkish press keeps silent. People are being murdered and their houses are being burnt down in Silopi, but the public opinion of Turkey doesn't manifest remarkable reaction. Youths are being executed in Diyadin, but they are seen as combat casualties. The people and reaction of Kurdistan people isn't shared enough in other parts of Turkey. AKP government treats Kurds just as if an occupant state. The appointed governors of the state treat the elected deputies even as an enemy. Forests are being burnt down in Kurdistan but no single state institution lifts a finger. Soldier and police forces of the state are freely burning down the houses of the people, and preventing people from taking their casualties to hospitals. In the face of this situation, there is no option left for the people but to govern and defend themselves against the state that doesn't protect and does further attack them."

KCK pointed out that the Turkish state couldn't be the state of everyone living in Turkey, and the AKP acted as the government of its supporters alone, adding; "In the face of this situation, the only option for Kurds and all other various societal circles is to deal with things by themselves. The massacres in Silopi and Gever prove how right the self-governance decision of the Kurdish people in Botan, Gever and other areas is."

KCK said all the peoples of Kurdistan and Turkey should be in solidarity with each other and avoid silence without leaving the Kurdish people alone in the face of these attacks and massacres. "Achievement of democracy in Turkey and a solution to the Kurdish question will undoubtedly become possible through the struggle of peoples on the basis of solidarity."

Kurdistan Communities Union ended its statement by calling upon Kurds and democracy forces to rise up for struggle and stop the attacks of the AKP government against the Kurdish people.