KCK calls for international solidarity with the Kurdish people and the Kurdish Freedom Movement

The KCK issued a call for international solidarity with the Kurdish people and the Kurdish Freedom Movement.

The KCK issued a call for international solidarity with the Kurdish people and the Kurdish Freedom Movement.

In the video message Mustafa Karasu, member of the KCK Executive Council, calls on all revolutionary-democratic forces of the peoples of the world, all workers, women and oppressed communities to show their solidarity. He calls for a united struggle against the heavy Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan and the fascist AKP-MHP regime.


The full text of the message is as follows:

"I respectfully greet all revolutionary-democratic forces of the peoples of the world all those who fight for women's freedom; all those who wage an ecological struggle against capitalist environmental destruction; and all socialist forces!

Dear friends, dear comrades, the Turkish state has recently launched a heavy military attack on the Kurdish people's struggle for freedom. The aim of this attack is to crush our struggle, which is based on our paradigm of women's freedom, ecology and democracy. By smashing our Freedom Movement, the aim is paving the way for a cultural genocide against the Kurdish people. In this way, the homeland of the Kurds is to be turned into a territory that would serve the expansion of Turkish nationalism.

Our struggle is not only a struggle for the freedom of the Kurdish people. It is a struggle for the freedom of all peoples in Turkey and throughout the Middle East. The U.S., Europe and the other NATO member states are actively supporting the current attack by the Turkish state. They support it in order to be able to use the Turkish state for their own interests. These countries, which call themselves democratic, are thus supporting the most fascist government in the world.

Dear comrades, dear friends, this attack on the PKK aims at destroying the paradigm of women's liberation and the democratic-ecological society developed by Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan]. It aims at crushing our struggle which is based on this paradigm for a democratic-confederal system. If they manage to crush our movement, the struggle for democracy in the Middle East will come to an end. This will pave the way for organizations like the Islamic State (IS) - enemies of religious and cultural diversity - to survive and bloom. And mentalities and political systems hostile to democracy and women will also be able to hold their ground.

The current heavy attack on us is thus not only an attack on the Kurdish people's struggle for freedom. It is at least as much an attack to suffocate the paradigm of women's freedom and the ecological society developed by Rêber Apo. This paradigm and the democratic-socialist line has turned into the hope of all peoples, workers and women today. Therefore, this attack is not only an attack against the PKK and the Kurdish people. Rather, it is directed against all peoples of the world, all workers, all women and all those who are struggling for an ecological society.

It is therefore imperative that all peoples, oppressed communities, revolutionary democratic forces, all those fighting for women's freedom and all those fighting against the ecological catastrophe caused by capitalism come together and wage a common struggle. The time has come to defend our common gains, which were achieved on the basis of women's freedom.

We therefore call upon all revolutionary democratic forces of the peoples of the world, all workers, all women and all oppressed communities: Let us take a stance together against the attacks of the Turkish state and wage a common struggle against it! Long live our paradigm of women's freedom and the ecological-democratic society! Long live the solidarity and the common struggle of all revolutionary-democratic forces of the peoples of the world!"