Karayılan: Turkish state told Rojava administration to ‘not go any further’

PKK Executive Committee Member Murat Karayılan stated that the Turkish state had told Rojava administration to ‘not go any further.’, and opposed the liberation of Cerablus and the unification of Kobanê and Efrin cantons.

PKK (Kurdistan Worker's Party) Executive Committee Member Murat Karayılan stated that the Turkish state had told Rojava administration to ‘not go any further.’, and opposed the liberation of Cerablus and the unification of Kobanê and Efrin cantons.

PKK Executive Committee Member Murat Karayılan stated that the victory of Girê Spî strengthened the foundations of the Syrian Revolution and brought the liberation of Rojava close to completion. Karayılan said that it was now time to establish Democratic Syria and the victory of Girê Spî showed Kurds’ central role in the foundation of a new Syria. Karayılan stated that they have received information confirming that the Turkish state had officially asked Rojava administration to ‘not go any further.’ Karayılan said that the Turkey opposed the liberation of Cerablus and the unification of Kobanê and Efrin cantons. Karayılan noted that the Turkish state was not bothered by having ISIS as its neighbor, but was currently bothered by Kurds.

PKK Executive Committee Member Murat Karayılan answered Amed Dicle’s questions as he joined Dicle’s program Analiz on Stêrk TV yesterday evening.

Karayılan noted that the Turkish army adopted a position of war with its recent operations and attacks, and emphasized that the construction of dams and roads for military purposes continues. Karayılan said that the state was provoking guerilla forces in order to restart armed confrontation. Karayılan underlined that the conditions for a ceasefire no longer existed due to the army’s systematic attacks. Karayılan recalled the recent air strikes, attacks on civilians, and the disrespectful attack on an HDP parliamentarian in Roboskî, and described the Turkish state’s current concept as a concept of war. Karayılan warned the state to not play with fire, and said that guerilla forces would not be silent in the face of attacks.


With regards to the massacre in Ardahan, Karayılan said that the attack was planned and there were no guerillas in the site of the attack. Karayılan reported that 3 special operations soldiers were killed during a clash that took place between soldiers and guerillas not so far away from the massacre scene one day before the massacre. Karayılan stated that the deaths of these 3 soldiers were hid from the press and the army targeted a family of HDP members in order to avenge the 3 soldiers it had recently lost. Karayılan recalled the HDP’s recent electoral success in Ardahan and the rest of Serhat region, and said that the state was using violence in order to intimidate civilians and prevent the rise of HDP.


Karayılan noted that there were many contra groups in guerilla outfits in Ardahan and the rest of Kurdistan, and warned civilians against these groups. Karayılan said that the Turkish state was using the tactics of the 1990s and attacking civilians after its failures against guerilla forces. As part of these tactics, contra groups roam in guerilla outfits and curse at civilians as they pretend to be PKK guerillas. Karayılan noted that civilians could distinguish these groups from actual guerillas by their different attitudes, and called on everyone, particularly young people, to be careful regarding these contra groups.


In response to Bülent Arınç’s statements that the PKK would be having hard times ahead, Karayılan stated that those who threatened them should learn from history. Karayılan invited Arınç to come and see who will have hard times ahead, and recalled the failure of AKP plans to finish off the PKK in 2011 similar to the way Sri Lanka annihilated Tamils. Karayılan said that those who want to see how the guerillas put up a fight should look at the struggle against ISIS gangs. Karayılan noted that Kurdistan guerillas were defeating the gangs that could not be stopped even by the armies of Iraq and Syria. Karayılan emphasized that threats were meaningless and those who were making such threats were putting Turkey in a difficult spot and contributing to its disintegration.


Karayılan described the isolation of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan as a policy of war and an insult to Kurdish people. Karayılan said that the guerillas would not tolerate this insult and called upon Kurdish people to be sensitive on the state’s concept of war. Karayılan stated that everyone was in a critical process and those who do not want war should object to state policies before it is too late. Karayılan said that tomorrow might be late for the peaceful resolution of the Kurdish issue.


Karayılan evaluated the third year anniversary of Rojava Revolution and said that heroic tales were being written in Rojava. Karayılan stated that Rojava may be the smallest part of Kurdistan but has made the biggest revolution. Karayılan commemorated the thousands of heroes who sacrificed their lives in the defense of their lands. Karayılan recalled the role of Turkey in the external attacks that have targeted Rojava for the past three years, and said that people resisted these attacks and protected their collective will. Karayılan noted that Rojava Revolution determined the characteristic of the Kurdish Revolution and showed the leading role of women in bringing change.

Karayılan stated that the Turkish state was terrified at the liberation of Girê Spî and had told Rojava administration to ‘not go any further.’ Karayılan said that the Turkey opposed the liberation of Cerablus and the unification of Kobanê and Efrin cantons. Karayılan noted that the Turkish state was not bothered by having ISIS as its neighbor, but was currently bothered by Kurds. Karayılan noted that the victory of Girê Spî brought Rojava Revolution to a new stage, strengthened the foundations of the Syrian Revolution, and brought the liberation of Rojava close to completion. Karayılan said that it was now time to establish Democratic Syria and the victory of Girê Spî showed Kurds’ central role in the foundation of a new Syria.

Karayılan commented on the Turkish military deployment on the Cerablus border and said that the Turkish state could not to anything but make empty threats. Karayılan said that ISIS would not get weaker as long as it borders Turkey, and AKP has done everything it could against Rojava over the past 4 years and had nothing else to do now but to make empty threats.