Intense air activity over Medya Defence Zones
People’s Defence Forces (HPG) Press Office has reported in a statement that Turkish military aircraft carried out intense flights over Medya Defence Zones on 2 February.
People’s Defence Forces (HPG) Press Office has reported in a statement that Turkish military aircraft carried out intense flights over Medya Defence Zones on 2 February.
People’s Defence Forces (HPG) Press Office has reported in a statement that Turkish military aircraft carried out intense flights over Medya Defence Zones on 2 February.
HPG said the military activity of the Turkish aircraft took place first between 09:00 and 14:30 on 2 February over the area in between the military posts in Tepê Sinek, Tepê Çete and Tepê Maymun at the border with Haftanin.
HPG reported that intensive flights of the Turkish military aircraft also took place over Metina and Zap regions.
HPG said the Turkish aircraft carried out intense flights over Metina region of the Medya Defence Zones the same day between 05:00 and 15:30 and over the Martyr Kendal, Martyr Rênas, Martyr Zana and Deryê Davetiya points in the Zap region in between 18:00-22:30.