HPG pays tribute to martyrs of Mount Herekol

Guerrillas Nûda Sümbül, Kendal Azad and Garzan Sason fell in September 2021 in an attack by the Turkish army on Mount Herekol in northern Kurdistan.

Guerrillas Nûda Sümbül, Kendal Azad and Garzan Sason died last September in an attack by the Turkish army on Mount Herekol in northern Kurdistan. The Press Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) said: "Our comrades Nûda, Kendal and Garzan went to Botan to launch a revolutionary attack in response to the enemy's attacks on the freedom fighters using all the means at their disposal to give within our people. They fought in accordance with their important role, joining the Caravan of the Fallen along the way. We give our word that we will successfully complete the revolutionary task undertaken by these precious comrades, commemorating their struggle and attitude.”

     Codename: Nûda Sümbül

     First and last name: Evîn Arslan

     Place of birth: Colemêrg

     Mother and father’s names: Necibe – Xelîl

     Date and place of death: September 18, 2021 / Herekol

     Code name: Kendal Azad

     First and last name: Mazlum Mat

     Place of birth: Şirnex

     Mother and Father’s names: Selamet – Mehmet Naim

     Date and place of death: September 18, 2021 / Herekol

     Codename: Garzan Sason

     First and last name: Kubilay Acet

     Place of Birth: Istanbul

     Mother and father’s names: Gülten – Mehmet Can

     Date and place of death: September 18, 2021 / Herekol

Nûda Sümbül came from the northern Kurdish province of Colemêrg (Hakkari). She grew up in a social environment from which many people joined the liberation struggle, and some people close to her lost their lives as a result. Her childhood was shaped by stories about guerrilla warfare and martyrs. Nûda developed a profound awareness of the reality of Kurdistan and critically questioned social developments. In 2013 she went to the guerrilla and took the battle name of her sister who had died in Geliyê Tiyarê two years earlier. In the mountains, she dealt intensively with the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan and developed into a leading militant who was connected to her companions with great love. She fought in the Zagros Mountains and in the Zap region and stayed in many areas in Southern Kurdistan. At her own request, she later went north from southern Kurdistan to Botan. The HPG describe Nûda Sümbül as a competent fighter of the women's guerrilla YJA Star.

Kendal Azad's family came from Cizîr (Cizre). He was born in Hezex (Idil) and became acquainted with the PKK through his fallen relatives. As a student he became active in the Kurdish youth movement in Balikesir, and in 2009 he joined the guerrillas. He attracted attention because of his diligence and willingness to make sacrifices. The collective life and the cooperative way of dealing with one another made a great impression on him. According to HPG, he said he found himself in the mountains. Reading the philosophy of Abdullah Öcalan opened the door to a new life for him and he questioned the influence of capitalist modernity on his own personality. At the same time, he became aware of the need for modernized guerrilla warfare. He stayed in Xinêrê and Xakurke for a long time and here he gained experience in the military field. Especially in Xakurke, he took part in numerous actions against the enemy. At his persistent request, he then went to his home region of Botan, where he fought in almost every area for about seven years and developed into a leading commander.

Garzan Sason's family came from Êlih (Batman) and had to move to Istanbul due to repression in Kurdistan, where he was born. He later returned to Kurdistan with his family, although repression continued unabated. As a youth, Garzan dealt with the Kurdish reality and drew the conclusion that his people must demand accountability for Turkish colonialism. During this time, he received the news that 15 guerrillas had died in Garzan. Two of the fallen were relatives of his. He was very saddened by this news and initially got involved in the legal field before joining the guerrillas in 2015. He stayed in Garzan for a while and then went to South Kurdistan where he fought in the Zap region for about five years and was involved in countless actions against enemy operations in the area. He gained great military experience and played a leading role especially in the battles in Ertuş, Qela Bêdewê and Xeregol. He then undertook military and ideological training and undertook several critical assignments, living up to the trust placed in him. According to HPG information, he always wanted to go to North Kurdistan and especially to Garzan, but subordinated his wish to the respective needs. So he finally came to Herekol Mountain to implement the strategy of people's revolutionary struggle. The HPG describe Garzan as an unforgettable militant of apoism.