Guerrilla Hawar calls for broad support for the resistance

Guerrilla Şerzan Hawar called for broad support for the guerrilla resistance and said: “We must all assume our responsibility.” He paid tribute to the prison resistance in Amed and the strength of the freedom movement.

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the PKK, ANF recorded the voices of many guerrillas.

Guerrilla Şerzan Hawar said: "Our goal is to realize the dreams of the martyrs,” and added that the PKK emerged at a time when the hope and will of the Kurdish people was broken. In particular, the resistance of the PKK cadres in the face of torture in the prison of Amed was of greatest importance for the development of the freedom struggle. Guerrilla Hawar said: “Heval Kemal Pir said to his comrades when he was brought to court after the death fast began: 'We have done it, today there are six of us. Tomorrow we will be thousands, then millions'. Today thousands of Kurdish, Arab, Assyrian and international fighters are fighting shoulder to shoulder. This gives us great strength. The Rojava Revolution also expresses the dreams of our martyrs. Undoubtedly, this revolution also had an impact on our society. The Kurdish people, the women, the youth, have become aware, organized and participated in all aspects of the revolution."

"We have a historical responsibility"

Noting that the resistance needs a lot of support to achieve results in this historical period, guerrilla Hawar said that "in such times, everyone must rise up and fulfil their role and mission. Nobody should say, what can I do, what should I do. Women and young people in particular have very important tasks. We all have to fulfil our responsibilities. As the grandchildren of Seyid Rıza and Şêx Seîd, we will fulfil our role and mission."