Guerrilla Derwêş: "I would gladly sacrifice my life for my people"

Before falling a martyr, guerrilla Demhat Derwêş said: "As a guerrilla, I would gladly sacrifice my life for my people. Without hesitation... We are committed to our word."

PKK guerrilla Demhat Derwêş died as a result of 8 chemical gas bombs launched by warplanes in Çiyayê Reş region of Zap. Chemical bombs weighing 16 tons in total and contain chemical gas… At the same time, what happened is an example of the genocide currently being carried out in the mountains of Kurdistan.

Martyr Demhat Derwêş, shortly before his death, described the level of determination and assertion of the guerrillas against the invasion attacks. Guerrilla Derwêş said that "we are going through a period of intense enemy attacks. Bazên Zagros Operation taught us a lot. In general, 2022 will be a heavy year. With the invading Turkish state disrupting the process in 2015, the plan that it wanted to put into effect was frustrated by the revolutionary moves of our Movement. Our party insisted on the revolution and determined the line of resistance and victory against the genocide plans that the enemy wanted to carry out. As a PKK cadre, I am preparing to follow this line by equipping it with an ideological-military line."

We are keeping our promise

Martyr Demhat Derwêş said: "We know that the enemy will carry out invasion attacks on our areas in 2022. We will break the enemy and achieve victory. We saw these in Garê, during the 23 April invasion attacks. The next process will not be different from this. Guerrillas are prepared in every way for these invasion attacks. As a guerrilla, I would gladly sacrifice my life for my people to achieve victory. Without hesitation... We will keep the promise to our people and our Leader. We are a movement that is true to its word. The invading Turkish state should never see itself as successful. The process Turkey is in is actually a process of collapse. There is a process of attack ahead, and we, as Leader Apo's bodyguards, will break the enemy in these mountains with our resistance and victory."