Guerrilla Dêrik: Conspirators could not reach their goals

YJA STAR guerrilla Diyana Dêrik said that this is a time when the conspiracy wanted to renew itself, but the guerrilla would be an obstacle to the conspirators' goals.

YJA STAR guerrilla Dêrik said: "The leader's philosophy and the spirit it creates cannot be destroyed." She spoke to ANF on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the International Conspiracy targeting the Kurdistan people and the Kurdish Freedom Movement in the person of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan.

Noting that Öcalan has spoiled a policy that has been implemented over the Kurdish people for centuries, Dêrik said: "In fact, they wanted to destroy all Kurdish people through the person of the leader, but they could not reach their goals." 

Guerrilla Dêrik added: "The philosophy of the leader and the spirit he created can never be destroyed. We are in a time when the conspiracy wants to renew itself again, but in 2020, the guerrilla will fight against the aims of the conspirators, by strengthening the philosophy of the Leader on the basis of the unity of the people and together with the power of the people.

As YJA STAR guerillas, we promise that we will step up our struggle until reaching the level to achieve the freedom of our Leader."