French Minister says Turkey is "in the provocation"
Franck Riester, minister delegate in charge of foreign trade said Erdogan "is in the provocation."
Franck Riester, minister delegate in charge of foreign trade said Erdogan "is in the provocation."
Franck Riester, minister delegate in charge of foreign trade, recalled that France wanted “dialogue” while the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, threatened Emmanuel Macron against a backdrop of tensions in the Mediterranean.
Speaking this morning on Europe 1, Franck Riester reacted to the words of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who called on President Emmanuel Macron not to seek “quarrels with the Turkish people” and “with Turkey”.
The Minister Delegate to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs stressed that France left “aggressiveness” to Turkey which “is in the provocation.”