Euphrates River entrusted to Kurdish female fighters

As the YPG-YPJ initiatives targeting ISIS gangs continue, parts of Euphrates River that run through Rojava are under Kurdish female fighters' control.

As the YPG-YPJ initiatives targeting ISIS gangs continue, parts of Euphrates River that run through Rojava are under Kurdish female fighters' control.

YPJ Eastern Front commander Delila Devrim who spoke to ANF stated that Euphrates River has been one of the two sources of life in Mesopotamia for centuries and was controlled by several empires and civilizations. Devrim stated that Kurdish woman warriors view themselves as the defense force of all women in the world, and added that Euphrates River is under the protection of YPJ (Women's Defense Units)  fighters.

Devrim reminded that the Kobanê operation continues in villages nearby the river, and said that the defense of Western Kobanê during ISIS attacks last year managed to clear off ISIS gangs that had been located in areas that lie to the west of the town. Devrim emphasized that the ISIS attack on Kobanê had a strong psychological component, and the massacres targeting Kurds aimed to eliminate resistance in Kobanê. She said that, to the contrary, ISIS gangs are now trembling at the sight of YPG-YPJ forces, and the whole world is witnessing this development.

YPJ commander Devrim highlighted that this was the first time Kurds took Euphrates River under control, and said that Kurdish women and youth are leading the defense of the river. Devrim said that this is quite extraordinary because unlike Tigris River, which was controlled by Kurds numerous times throughout history, Euphrates River has always been occupied by forces that have also historically oppressed Kurdish people in the region. Devrim said that Kurdish women ensure the security of this river and no force will be able to prevent them from carrying out this duty.

Devrim stated that unlike the Arab belt policies that forced Kurds to migrate away from the region, YPG-YPJ principles encourage the peaceful coexistence of all peoples in this geography. Devrim added that they would always upset ISIS attempts to massacre different ethnic and religious groups.

YPJ Commander noted that the Şexler district near them is predominantly Arab, and nearby villages are predominantly Kurdish. Devrim said that ISIS and its allies forced the civilians here to work against YPG-YPJ until 5-6 months ago, but YPG-YPJ forces have never viewed these villagers as enemies. Devrim noted that they are stationed right across Jarablus, where the population is predominantly Arab. Despite this composition, ISIS carries out mass executions in Jarablus that target Arabs whom the gangs view as disloyal. Devrim said that this approach is what distinguishes them from ISIS, and reiterated that YPG-YPJ would never kill or massacre people who do not share its worldview.
