Demonstration in solidarity with Afrin in Shengal

People of Shengal protested against Turkey's attacks on Afrin.

Hundreds joined a demonstration in Shengal’s Sinune town in protest at the Turkish state’s invasion attacks against Afrin Canton of Northern Syria.

Representatives of political organizations and institutions in Shengal also participated in the demonstration where people urged the Turkish state to stop its attacks against Northern Syrian lands.

Shengal Executive Board Co-chair Zehra Silêman held a speech and asked, “Where are human rights organizations while people are being massacred in Afrin?”

Zehra Silêman stressed that they as Ezidi women stand with the people of Afrin.

Other speakers called on the people of entire Kurdistan to take action for Afrin that is under attack by the Turkish army and allied jihadist groups for more than 50 days.