A delegation from DTK, DBP, HDP and KJA has left for Amed's Lice district for examination after the heavy attacks of security forces in the district and clashes in Lice-Hani-Kocaköy triangle.
The delegation is comprised of DTK (Democratic Society Congress) Co-Chair Hatip Dicle, HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) Group Deputy Chair İdris Baluken, HDP deputies Ziya Pir, Çağlar Demirel, Feleknas Uca, Sibel Yiğitalp, Free Women's Assembly members Nimet Tanrıkulu and Naşide Şimşek, HDP Amed provincial co-chair Ömer Önen, DTK executive Musa Farisoğlu, and executives from HDP, DBP (Party of Democratic Regions) and KJA (Free Women's Congress).