Aerial bombardment on Tendürek

The Turkish army continues aerial bombings on Mount Tendürek region where they have suffered heavy losses recently.

The region of Tendürek which lies in the triangle area of Ağrı’s Doğubayazıt and Diyadin districts and Van's Çaldıran district, is targeted by aerial bombings of the Turkish army.

Thursday morning, helicopters started a series of bombardments on the areas of Neriya, Sikeft and Şehîd. The bombardment could be seen from the villages of Tütek, Boyalan (Kurtika) and Taşbasamak (Mîrzecan) as billows of smoke rise from the targeted locations.

Local sources say that hundreds of soldiers have been operating around the areas of Tütek, Goma Heci Xalis and hill Şehîd for three days. The soldiers are digging trenches on the road which link the Tütek village to highlands and those leading to the hill Şehîd area.

Local people who leave and enter their villages and highlands are subject to a detailed search by the soldiers.

The Turkish army suffered heavy losses during clashes with guerrilla forces in their operations in Tendürek region throughout the recent months. Gerîla TV has recently published footage of the guerrilla action on the coordination base of the operation in this region.