27 Yazidis rescued from ISIS handed over to the Shengal Council

27 Yazidis rescued from ISIS gangs by SDF fighters were handed over to the Shengal Democratic Autonomous Council.

Some Yazidis rescued from ISIS gangs by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Baghouz were handed over to theri families while others were handed over to the Shengal Administration.

Yazidis were brought to the Hol Camp in Heseke after the rescue and then later they were handed over to the Yazidi House in Amude.

The 27 Yazidis in the Yazidi House in Heseke were handed over to the Shengal Democratic Autonomous Council in a ceremony that SDF Commander Siyar Heseki and Yazidi House administrators and members attended.

27 rescued Yazidis will be handed over to their families by the Xanesor Popular Assembly at 14:00 today.

The rescued Yazidis are:

Suad Seydo Xelaf (29) from Shengal

Cihan Xelaf Mirad (18) from Herdan

Iqbal Xelil Birahim (24) from Kocho

Rezan Shakir Mehmud (13) from Kocho

Samih Felah Laylo (7) from Siba Shex Xidir

Dawid Salim Xelaf (11) from Hardan

Aziza Sabri Birahim (25) from Hatimi

Shamil Simail Xudeda (11) from Kocho

Xunaf Xidir Udaiyb (34) from Kocho

Sadiya Sasir Xelaf (13))

Suham Nasir Xelaf (11)

Cemal Ziyad Haydar (15) from Solax

Xoxe Hesan Dexil (15) from Solax

Selwa Xero (10) from Solax

Dilvin Qasim Birahim (34) from Tilqesab

Sefawn Hisen (13)

Erdelan Hisen (11)

Beyan Hisen (8)

Cihan Hisen (5)

Emsha Said Simail (15) from Tilqesab

Evin Mehmud (15) from Rembusi

Mufeyid Qasim (10) from Qapusi

Swad Eli (15) from Solax

Cihan Berkat (17) from Kocho

Sheyima Hemzo (8)

Emer Hemzo (5)

Diljin Ferman (10) from Kora Evdo Shengal