25 vehicles of aid collected in Mardin for Kobanê departed after a press conference held by Mardin co-mayor Ahmet Türk who said that the sending of the aid is also a message of “Don’t forget Kobanê” to the people of North Kurdistan and Turkey.
Before the departure of the vehicles towards Kobanê, the co-mayors of Mardin, Ahmet Türk and Februniye Akyol Akay held a press conference with the participation of DBP and HDP executives in the city. Speaking here, co-mayor Ahmet Türk condemned strongly the attacks of ISIS on Hasekê, adding that the Rojava people have waged a big resistance against the ISIS gangs, contributing to the liberation of the Kurdish lands.
Türk said the Kurdish people are struggling by all their means to build a democratic and free future and added that the people of Rojava are not alone in this fight, recalling the historic resistance of the YPG, YPJ and HPG guerrillas. Türk said they stand together with the people of Rojava and are ready to provide any kind of support, adding that it is today their duty to help and provide aid to people of Kobanê who are returning after being long away from their lands and houses.
Türk said the aid would depart together with the co-mayors of Mardin, including himself and added that the people of North Kurdistan and Turkey must continue to provide aid for the people of Kobanê, calling on all the people not to leave Kobanê alone. Turk called for strengthening the solidarity and relations with the people of Kobanê, and stressed that the aid sent from Mardin is also a message of “Don’t forget Kobanê” to the people.
While the 25 vehicles of aid departed for Kobanê after the press conference, the co-mayors will cross to Kobanê today.
It has been reported that the aid sent to Kobanê from Mardin consists mainly of food and clothes.