Relatives of the disappeared to meet in Amed today for the 800th time

Relatives of the disappeared will meet for the 800th time in Amed today. IHD and families called for solidarity.

The "Let the disappeared people be found, and the perpetrators be tried" action carried out by the relatives of the disappeared and the Human Rights Association (IHD) Amed Branch, which started on 31 January 2009, has entered its 800th week.

Relatives of the disappeared will come together in front of the Right to Life Monument in Koşuyolu Park in Amed's Rezan (Bağlar).

Ömer Saman, Amed Branch Secretary of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and member of the Disappeared Commission, called for confronting the past and memory, and called everyone to join the relatives in the area where the action will be held.