No justice for Roboski means no justice for Turkey

The Justice for Roboski Initiative said: "No justice for Roboski means no justice for Turkey."

The Justice for Roboski Initiative held a press conference at the Ankara Branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) to mark the 99th month since the Roboski Massacre.

The monthly action held in front of the branch building at to be held inside the building due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Tanju Gündüzalp read the statement on behalf of the Initiative. "The world is waking up to a new problem, new human tragedies every day. Most of these are human-created wars, massacres, poverty. Nowadays, humanity is going through a new test."

Gündüzalp said that the state has not learned lessons despite the past epidemic diseases and death. "To look at how a country is governed, it is also necessary to look at how people die in that country. Unfortunately, our country has witnessed many massacres, but justice has not been done."

Noting that 8 years have passed since the Roboski Massacre Gündüzalp said: "We call on the government to protect societies from the epidemic that threatens humanity and destroys thousands of lives."
The statement added: "No justice for Roboski means no justice for Turkey. The path of peace and justice in these lands will surely pass through Roboski."