Kaya: Listen to the cry for justice of lawyers on death fast

People's Law Firm (HHB) lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal have been sentenced to many years in prison based on statements by informers and no evidence.

They are now facing death because of their demand for justice. The two lawyers have been on death fast since 5 April, International Lawyers Day.

Sultan Kaya is Ebru Timtik’ aunt. Timtik has been on death fast for 156 days and her health. Kaya has been holding actions in Istanbul together with her two brothers. They are raising the voice of the lawyers and for this are taken into custody at every action.

Kaya said: “I wake up every morning with the fear to get bad news. There is no time.”

She reminded that her niece, EbruTimtik, has been on death fast for 5 months, and fell from 75 to 42 kilos and lamented not having been able to visit her in prison because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Barkın Timtik is Ebru’ younger sister and the two stay in the same cell.

After speaking on the phone with Barkın, Kaya pointed out that Ebru's situation has gradually deteriorated.

Kaya said that her niece has grown up with her. “Ebru is the eldest of four siblings. She was only 7 when her father died of a heart attack at a young age. My sister was widowed with 4 children. We raised them together. My sister raised them in very difficult conditions.”

Reminding that her two nieces are in prison, Kaya added: “The authorities made a lot of problems for me, always finding excuses for not allowing me to visit them in prison. After the state of emergency, the epidemic came. While before I was protesting to see them in prison, now I am taking action for them to live.”

Emphasizing that her nieces and friends have suffered great injustice, Kaya noted that this injustice should end and that the Supreme Court should reopen the file as soon as possible.

“I have nightmares every night. My sister [Ebru’s mother], who passed away 4 years ago, is always in my dreams, ‘Save my baby’, she tells me. My old mother cries for her grandchildren all night long. What have they done to get such a sentence? Have they robbed a bank, killed people, stealing, sold drugs? One is sentenced to 13 years and the other to 18 years in prison.

If they wanted to, they could have opened a private law firm and work to make money, but they preferred to be the voice of the oppressed and abandoned. They preferred to be the lawyers of the people, of the workers in Soma, Ermenek, Diyarbakır. I am proud of them and I am behind their demand for justice. This cry for justice must be heard by everyone before is too late.”