ISIG says 2,500 young workers have lost their lives in last 11 years

According to the report prepared by the Occupational Health and Safety Observatory on work accidents, at least 2,500 young workers have lost their lives in the last 11 years.

In the report covering the deaths of young workers that have occurred since 2013, the losses experienced each year are detailed in a report by the Occupational Health and Safety Observatory (ISIG). According to the report, there have been 193 deaths in 2013, 226 in 2014, 222 in 2015, 233 in 2016, 232 in 2017, 225 in 2018, 206 in 2019, 202 in 2020, 174 in 2021, 252 in 2022, 260 in 2023. In the first four months of 2024. at least 75 young workers were killed.

Most deaths in construction and agriculture sectors

The report underlined that construction and agriculture have been the leading sectors with the highest number of work accident deaths between 2013 and 2024. 656 young workers lost their lives in the construction sector, 424 in agriculture, 203 in the accommodation and entertainment sector, 162 in transportation, 149 in the metal sector, 146 in mining, 114 in the trade, office, education and cinema sectors, and 90 in municipal and general works.

Traffic accidents and falls from height are the first cause of death

The report also recorded the causes of young worker deaths. Between 2013 and 2024, 590 deaths occurred as a result of traffic accidents, 407 deaths as a result of falling from heights, 385 deaths as a result of crushing and collapse, 231 deaths as a result of electric shock, 201 deaths as a result of poisoning and drowning, 154 deaths as a result of violence, 113 deaths as a result of explosion and burning. In addition, 95 young workers killed themselves, 72 died of heart attack and brain hemorrhage, 57 died because of the impact of objects and falls, 29 because of cuts and ruptures, and 166 because of other reasons.

The death rate is high for migrant workers

The report stated that 260 of the young workers who lost their lives were migrants and that the death rate of migrant workers was twice the general work accident rate. The report added that accidents that cause the death of young workers can be prevented with low-cost measures.

Unionization rate very low

The report found that only 3.36 percent of the young workers who lost their lives belonged to a trade union, and added that unionized workers mostly worked in the mining, metal and chemical sectors.

Young worker death by age

The report also included the age distribution of the young workers who died. 205 young workers were aged 18, 279 were aged 19, 288 were aged 20, 213 were aged 21, 318 were aged 22, 350 were aged 23, 342 were aged 24, and 487 were aged 25.

The report also included the distribution of young worker deaths by city and the names of 2,500 young workers who lost their lives.