17 human rights organizations call for international action for Pakhshan Azizi and Verisheh Moradi

Open letter from 17 human rights organizations to the German Federal Government, the European Parliament, and the United Nations to save the lives of Pakhshan Azizi and Verisheh Moradi.

In an open letter addressed to the German Federal Government, the European Parliament, and UN human rights bodies, 17 international organizations have issued an urgent appeal to prevent the imminent execution of Pakhshan Azizi and Verisheh (Warisha) Moradi, two Kurdish female political prisoners targeted for their humanitarian efforts.

The letter, first proposed by HÁWAR Help, has been supported by: Adpot a Revolution, Bahá’í-Gemeinde in Deutschland K.d.ö.R., Deutscher Frauenrat, EU Watch, Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM) – Deutsche Sektion e.V., Kabul Luftbrücke, Kurdische Gemeinde Deutschland e.V., #LeaveNoOneBehind, Narges Foundation, No to Execution, Yes to Free Life, Resqship e.V., Sea-Eye e. V., Sea-Watch e.V., Stimmen der Solidarität – Mahnwache Köln e. V., ver.di Jugend

The full text of the Open Letter addressed to the German Federal Government, the European Parliament, and UN Human Rights Organizations reads as follows:

"For the Right to Life: Pakhshan Azizi and Verisheh Moradi Must Not Be Executed! 

We address this letter with the utmost concern and urgency to the German Federal Government, the European Parliament, and UN human rights organizations. Two Kurdish women, Pakhshan Azizi and Verisheh Moradi, have been sentenced to death in Iran. Their alleged crime: fighting for justice and human rights. These sentences are not only an attack on their lives but also an unprecedented assault on the fundamental rights of women, ethnic minorities, and activists worldwide.

Pakhshan Azizi worked as a social worker in northeast Syria, supporting women and girls who had fled from ISIS. Verisheh Moradi fought against ISIS in Kobanê, thereby contributing to our security here in Europe.

Pakhshan Azizi and Verisheh Moradi stand as representatives of many courageous women and men in Iran who fight for freedom and justice, taking unimaginable personal risks in doing so. The Islamic Republic of Iran systematically uses the death penalty as a tool of repression to silence critical voices—an approach that must not be ignored by the international community.

We live in an increasingly interconnected world, where every voice matters, and silence is not an option. It is our moral and political duty to stand up for Pakhshan and Verisheh. By defending them, we uphold the universal human rights that protect us all.

As part of the international community and as citizens of a democratic country committed to human rights, we must not allow this injustice to go unheard.

We demand:

- The German Federal Government and the EU: Use all diplomatic means to ensure the immediate suspension of the death sentences against Pakhshan Azizi and Verisheh Moradi.

- The United Nations: Urge the Iranian authorities to respect international human rights standards and abolish the death penalty.

- Civil society: Join this call, show solidarity, and take a stand against oppression in Iran.

We want to send a clear message to Pakhshan, Verisheh, and all courageous people in Iran: The world will not remain silent when lives are at stake."

Adpot a Revolution

Bahá’í-Gemeinde in Deutschland K.d.ö.R.

Deutscher Frauenrat

EU Watch



Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM) – Deutsche Sektion e.V.

Kabul Luftbrücke

Kurdische Gemeinde Deutschland e.V.


Narges Foundation

No to Execution, Yes to Free Life

Resqship e.V.

Sea-Eye e. V.

Sea-Watch e.V.

Stimmen der Solidarität – Mahnwache Köln e. V.

ver.di Jugend