KON-MED calls on everyone to protest the murder of journalists Bahadîn and Tara

KON-MED called on all parliamentary groups and the Kurdish people to take to the streets and protest the murder of two female journalists in Sulaymaniyah.

The Confederation of Democratic Societies of Kurdistan (KON-MED) made a statement regarding the bombing of a vehicle carrying free press workers in the Seyîdsadiq district of Sulaymaniya on Friday morning and the killing of two female journalists.

The statement said: "As is known, the fascist Turkish state carried out a vile attack using unmanned aerial vehicles and killed two leading female journalists named Hêro Bahadîn and Gulistan Tara, and these revolutionary women joined the martyrs’ caravan."

The statement added: "We strongly condemn Barzani and the Iraqi government, who allowed the fascist Turkish state to conduct cross-border operations and massacres, and we call on all parliamentary groups and the patriotic Kurdish people to take to the streets and condemn them."