YPJ Commander: The 9 October conspiracy will be defeated through joint resistance

“As revolutionaries, we promise the Kurdish people and all the people that we will end the occupation,” said YPJ Commander Leyla Washokani, calling on the people to participate with all their strength in the freedom revolution and be part of this history.

9 October marks the anniversary of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s forced departure from Syria in 1998. Expelled from Syria, Abdullah Öcalan decided to make his way to Europe rather than to the PKK's strongholds in the Kurdish mountains of Northern Iraq or North-Western Iran. As all European countries refused to grant him leave or entry, the Kurdish leader was finally flown to the Greek Embassy at Nairobi, Kenya via Moscow, Athens and Corfu, in what became increasingly obvious as a deliberate consipracy to maneuvre him into a position where he could be handed over to the Turkish authorities as soon as safeguards of European law were effectively by-passed. On 15 February 1999, the Kurdish leader was arrested in Kenya and handed over to Turkey, where he has since been subjected to unlawful treatment in violation of international law. 9 October thus marks the beginning of what the Kurds call “the international conspiracy”.

On the anniversary of the 9 October conspiracy, which is also the anniversary of the occupation attacks on Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê, the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) Commander Leyla Washokani shared her views.

Speaking to YPJ Media Center, Leyla Washokani condemned the 9 October conspiracy and those involved in it, stating that this conspiracy was deliberate and orchestrated against Leader Abdullah Öcalan, the Kurdish people, and the peoples of the region, but it will be defeated through joint resistance.

Regarding the forces that planned and orchestrated this conspiracy, Leyla Washokani said: “The conspiracy has entered its 26th year. This conspiracy, which began on October 9, 1998, is an international one, implemented by the United States, the European Union, and some regional countries. Certain independent Kurdish forces also played a role. Dark plans were devised for this century behind this conspiracy. As is well known, Turkey is a member of NATO and cannot act without NATO’s orders. Even back then, it was clear that Turkey was not the one planning and leading this conspiracy. England gave Turkey the green light, and after that, Turkey pressured Syria, threatening Assad’s regime that if Leader Öcalan did not leave, they would launch a military attack on Syria. There was a great deal of diplomatic movement between Washington, the Kurdish traitors, Israel, Ankara, and Egypt. It is also evident that this conspiracy was planned with very detailed calculations and deeply hidden goals."

Leyla Washokani pointed to Leader Öcalan’s efforts to solve the problem in Europe and said: “When Leader Öcalan went to Europe, he immediately called for a legal and peaceful resolution to the Kurdish issue, but this request was deliberately rejected. The Turkish Republic was established as a fascist nation-state based on occupation, lies, looting, and genocide. Their enmity towards the existence of the Kurdish people is evident. European countries also understand Turkey’s fascist nature and its enmity towards the Kurdish people, and they use this hostility as a weapon for their own benefit.

In the Middle East, Turkey acts as a spy and an extension of imperialist dominance. Their plans in the region are primarily executed through Turkey. Now, Turkey presents itself as being against Israel, but this is not true. The war in the region is coordinated by imperialist powers, with most of the countries executing it being subordinate nations like Turkey. To ensure that the Kurdish issue remains unresolved—so that Turkey remains under the control of dominant powers—they blocked the resolution process when Leader Öcalan went to Europe. And in other stages, whenever there was an opportunity for peaceful resolution, it was somehow thwarted and prevented. This does not serve their interests.”

Regarding the continuation of the conspiracy until today, the YPJ Commander said that the conspiracy is linked to the Third World War:

“The international conspiracy that began on October 9, 1998, and led to the capture of Leader Öcalan on February 15, 1999, must be understood in detail. The October 9 conspiracy was not a random event; it was carefully executed. Many forces and states participated in it. To fully grasp the nature of the conspiracy, Leader Öcalan has led a wide-ranging struggle. To prevent the achievement of his goal, they have been fighting for 26 years. It can be said that the conspirators have not achieved their objective, but the conspiracies against Leader Öcalan, the freedom movement, and the Kurdish people’s struggle continue to this day. The conspiracy continues today through isolation and attacks on freedom fighters. This conspiracy concerns all humanity. We must recognize that the October 9 conspiracy was one of the steps of the Third World War, and this truth has now become clear.

Today, there are wars and conflicts all over the world, and there is no peace in any country. The situation in the Middle East is extremely complicated. The proxy war, which lasted for ten years, has somewhat ended, and instead, the countries of the region are now facing each other directly. The terrorist Turkish state has occupied parts of Syria and Iraq (including southern and western Kurdistan), and there is a likelihood of a broader war. The war between Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah could involve Iran, and the humanitarian crisis is worsening. The political conflicts in Syria and Iraq remain unresolved. These are all additional aspects of the Third World War.”

On October 9, 2019, the Turkish state launched an invasion campaign against the cities of Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî. Regarding the Turkish occupation, the YPJ Commander said: “Since 2016, the Turkish state has occupied parts of Syria (Al-Bab and Jarabulus). After the occupation of Afrin, the enemy moved to Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî. This attack was carried out with the approval of dominant powers. No external force stopped them or questioned what they were doing or why they were doing it. The Turkish state slaughtered the residents of these areas with a brutal attack against humanity, looting their homes. Hundreds of civilians were martyred. Chemical weapons were also used.

The fighters of the YPJ and the People’s Protection Units (YPG) sacrificed themselves in the face of the occupation. Not a day goes by without a humanitarian tragedy occurring in the occupied areas. Turkey now speaks about the tragedy in Palestine, but the actions of Erdoğan and Netanyahu are no different. To this day, our people remain displaced, struggling to survive under harsh conditions. The properties of our people have been looted, historical sites have been destroyed, and ISIS gangs have taken control of these cities.”

Commenting on the fact that the occupation, looting, and displacement have caused an unprecedented tragedy, YPJ commander Leyla Washokani criticized the world’s silence on this matter and said: “Did they not see the suffering of the local population? Of course, they did. But the international powers are the ones producing this crisis. Continuing the international conspiracy against Leader Öcalan, the Turkish state attacked the cities of Rojava to break the will of the revolution. Erdoğan’s dream is to establish a new Ottoman Empire. The world has noticed this, but they are merely watching. But there is something they did not account for: resistance has become a culture. Maybe part of our land is occupied, but the mind and spirit of the people will not be occupied, and they will continue to fight for their freedom until the end.

Daily bombardments continue in northeastern Syria. Leaders, revolutionaries, and patriots are being targeted by drones. Every day, there are martyrs and wounded along the border lines. They also threaten further invasion. There is also a role for traitors. In the west, some traitorous secret cells associated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) are playing the same role as the Barzani family in the south to prevent Erdoğan from falling, their hands stained with the blood of martyrs.”

Leyla Washokani stressed the importance of responding to the international conspiracy and said: “Certainly, condemning the conspiracy alone is not enough. Occupation and treachery cannot be defeated with mere insults. One must understand the enemy’s objective well. Why did the conspiracy happen? What was the goal? The leaders revealed the essence of the conspiracy in their defenses. In turn, they pointed to the national democratic system, the model of democracy, the environment, and women’s freedom. What does this mean for us, the people of northeastern Syria? Our leader was isolated from us due to international pressures and then captured. Our leadership has been resisting for 26 years. Every moment in Imrali is the most difficult of wars. Our current duties are, first, to fully defeat the conspiracy, we must rally all our forces for the physical freedom of Leader Öcalan. Of course, it is not just about marches and activities. At the same time, we must practice the leader’s ideas, meaning applying the national democratic system in all its aspects. The next issue is definitely the development of the revolutionary people’s war. Because we are facing attacks as a region, Kurdistan and the Middle East are in the midst of the Third World War. We will also organize the revolutionary people’s war in every area, just like the units in northeastern Syria. This way, we will be able to stop the attacks, end the occupation, and completely destroy the torture system in Imrali. This is our duty and responsibility.”

YPJ commander remembered the martyrs of “No One Can Darken Our Day,” who became a ring of fire around Leader Öcalan, the martyrs of “The Resistance of Dignity,” and all the freedom fighters, saying: “I bow in reverence to their memory, and I say that we will certainly keep the goals of our martyrs and heroes in our minds and hearts and follow in their footsteps until victory. Our real relationship with these heroes is reviving them in our struggle and waging a successful fight in their footsteps. As Leader Öcalan says: Our connection to the martyrs is certainly that we care for their work and take very strong steps.”

The YPJ Commander concluded: “It is time for action. We need to unite our forces together and stand against the isolation of Leader Öcalan. To be worthy of the great work that Leader Öcalan, the martyrs, and our people have done, we will strengthen our struggle and become the revolutionaries of the moment. As revolutionaries, we promise the Kurdish people and all the people of the region that we will end the occupation. I also call on our people, especially women and youth, to participate with all their strength in the freedom revolution and be part of this unprecedented history.”