Sabri Ok: The Kurdish people did not bow. They showed their will

KCK Executive Council member Sabri Ok said that the elections showed that the Kurdish people did not bow, they showed their will by risking torture, death and arrest, and that Erdogan lost in Kurdistan.

KCK Executive Council member Sabri Ok, spoke in a special program broadcast on Stêrk TV. He spoke about the situation of Abdullah Öcalan, the elections, the future of Turkey, the siege of Maxmur.

This is the first part of the interview.

There has been no news from the Kurdish people's Leader Abdullah Öcalan for more than 2 years. The Asrin Law Office has called on the CPT to fulfill its duty to end this unlawful situation. How do you evaluate the ongoing isolation of Abdullah Öcalan?

The situation of Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] is always on the agenda of our party and our people. The occupiers and the forces involved in the international conspiracy [process starting with the illegal imprisonment of Abdullah Öcalan on February 15, 1999] also closely follow Rêber Apo's situation and the Imrali system. We know that nothing is done in Imrali in an unplanned, aimless or unconscious manner. They aim to aggravate the Imrali system day by day. They are thus playing with the psychology of the Kurdish people and their international friends. Their aim is to break the bond between Rêber Apo and the Kurdish people. They are trying to achieve their goals by increasing the pressure on Rêber Apo. What is happening in Imrali cannot be explained in terms of humanity, politics or law. If we consider it in terms of human rights, Rêber Apo should be allowed to live his life in comfort. But we know that the situation in Imrali is not normal. As a people and as a party, we clearly have the right to be suspicious of this situation. We don't know what is happening in Imrali. But what we do know is that Rêber Apo is not being given the right to live his life under human conditions. This situation is the cause of both anger and suspicion.

Rêber Apo knows the occupying forces very well. The enemy is aware of what can change with a single word from Rêber Apo. Since the international conspiracy, hundreds of PKK militants have set their bodies on fire for Rêber Apo's physical freedom and in protest against this conspiracy. Since he has devoted 50 years of his life to the struggle, no one can treat Rêber Apo as an ordinary person. The Turkish state is doing whatever it can to take revenge on him. From a legal point of view, there is no explanation for this lawless situation. I have been in prison myself for years. A prisoner has the right to write letters and meet with his lawyers and family. Legally, there are these kinds of rights, but the Turkish state violates these. A few days ago, without anybody knowing why, they again prevented Rêber Apo from meeting with his family and lawyers. I don't want to use that word too much, but they gave him a 'punishment'. This means that Rêber Apo is not allowed to meet with his family and lawyers and to send any letters. What had he done when they decided to ‘punish’ him? The reason for this is clearly the fact that there is ongoing resistance in Imrali. Rêber Apo continues to resist the oppression against him. Therefore, the state is aggravating the isolation both to take revenge and to continue its oppression.

Both the Kurdish people, their international friends, the revolutionary, socialist forces and our party need to follow Rêber Apo's situation 24 hours a day, show empathy, be aware of their duties and responsibilities and keep up their struggle. The occupying forces continue the severe isolation. Therefore, our top priority needs to be the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. It is our duty to fight for this with courage and a great sense of responsibility. Again, in terms of legal issues, both in Turkey and internationally, work must be carried out uninterruptedly. Most importantly, our people must always be on the streets. We all owe this to Rêber Apo. If his physical freedom is our primary goal, our people must act strongly, in an organized way and effectively against the enemy. Our movement must become more organized. We must all fulfill our duties and increase the struggle to protect the values created by Rêber Apo during the 50 years of his efforts. When we do all this, the enemy will not be able to resist. Only in this way can we fulfill Rêber Apo's wishes. This cannot be done only with speeches. There must be protests, organizing and increasing strength. Consequently, our struggle will definitely continue in a more organized and stronger way from now on.

An election recently took place in Turkey and North Kurdistan. How can we understand the election results in light of all the fraud that took place? What is the meaning of the different messages given during the election?

Everyone knows and consequently discusses the conditions under which these elections were held. These discussions are still going on. Everyone also knew that this election was not an ordinary election. If the fascist AKP-MHP government had been defeated, this would have led to a rupture in the mentality of the occupying Turkish state. The government was aware of this, so it mobilized all the forces and means of the state. This was a really historic election. But we have to accept that – Rêber Apo has also said this – the AKP has become the state. Erdoğan has even described himself as the second Atatürk. Atatürk played a role in the foundation of the Turkish state. Now, in Turkey’s 2nd century, Erdogan says that he will play a similar role. At the same time, Erdoğan's role resembles that of Hitler in World War II. The recent elections were held under a government with this kind of mentality.

Süleyman Soylu recently used the expression 'mind of the state' for HÜDA PAR. He did not elaborate on this, but everybody knows what he wanted to say. There is no example of a chief of general staff playing a role in elections in any country in the world. But Turkey’s chief of general staff clearly worked for the AKP-MHP. They did this especially in Kurdistan. All religious sects and communities were mobilized. Because they are both mentally and ideologically united with the state who also finances them. Again, the entire bureaucracy of the state was mobilized. The governors at all different levels were mobilized. This was an election between the state and certain other forces. The state was also aware of this. It knew that if the AKP-MHP were to lose, there would be a rupture in their mentality in the 2nd century. That is why they did everything to prevent this. They also used very bad demagoguery and racism. They put the Kurds and also Rêber Apo and the PKK on the agenda. They made propaganda as if this was an election between the state and the Kurdish people or between the state and the PKK.

The National Alliance had only come together with great difficulties. Their strength, intelligence and alliance were not enough. But the Kurdish people and the democratic forces resisted all attacks. Therefore, I can say the following about the election results: First of all, this election is not legitimate. Why? Because it was a one-sided election based on the mobilization of all the state's means and under heavy pressure. This was an election that had very little to do with law and democracy. Therefore, it is not legitimate. Secondly, the AKP and Erdoğan lost, especially in the presidential elections. Hundreds of thousands of Syrian immigrants voted. Yet they had no right to vote. Hundreds of thousands of HDP votes were invalidated and consequently not accepted. It is very interesting to see that before the election many polls had predicted that the MHP would get at most 7 percent of the votes and that the HDP would get 11 to 12 percent. Yet, the MHP received 10 percent and the HDP 8 percent. Everywhere, especially in Kurdistan, they registered the HDP's votes as votes for the MHP. This is how the AKP and Erdogan were able to declare themselves the winners. But this is actually not true. According to the election results, the AKP will remain in power. The role of the Kurdish people, the democrats and socialists was also very important. Despite all the attacks and oppression of the state, the resistance and stance of the Kurdish people and the united actions of the democratic forces were very important. They did not give in but risked torture, death and arrest. Thus, they expressed their will clearly. Everywhere, especially in Kurdistan, they made Erdogan lose in the presidential election.

The HDP took part in the elections as the Green Left Party. After the elections, the HDP shared with the public what kind of a path it will follow in the near future. On the one hand, the party has launched a phase of self-renewal, but on the other hand, the attacks against the HDP are increasing day by day. How do you evaluate the HDP's new road map and the ongoing attacks?

First of all, let me say that the HDP or the Green Left Party worked hard in this election and achieved a clear result. The aim of the AKP-MHP and those who are against the democratization of Turkey and the will of the Kurdish people is to demoralize everybody. But things are not the way they say. Dozens of HDP mayors are under arrest and hundreds of the party’s executives and members are in prison. A special war is being waged against the Kurdish people and the democratic forces. Any other party in the HDP's place would not have received even a few votes in this election. But the HDP has a culture and a tradition. Its members have been paying a price and have made efforts for decades. The Kurdish people are organized and conscious people. That's why, despite all the attacks, the Green Left Party achieved a good result. Of course, it was possible and would have been necessary to do better. But it is important not to allow the occupying forces to receive joy and morale from the current situation. And even more important than that is not to allow them to play with the psychology of the Kurdish people and legitimate democratic politics. This must be prevented.

All parties are currently making their post-election evaluations. The AKP is in a state of drunkenness, but the CHP and the IYI Party are holding internal discussions. It is very normal for the HDP to hold such discussions too. Already now they have prepared hundreds of legal proceedings against HDP members. There is great pressure on the HDP. Yet, a struggle is being waged. No one should understand these results as a defeat. Everybody needs to define their agenda correctly. In other words, they should not be influenced by other forces. They should create an agenda that recognizes their inadequacies, shortcomings and realities. If they overcome all this, they will be better prepared for the next period. Their most recent messages point in this direction. We consider their approach as positive. Criticism, self-criticism and discussion are important. These discussions about how to organize ourselves more and how to overcome the existing deficiencies are important. What is also important is how they will determine their road map in the coming period. The HDP and the Green Left Party are currently going through such a process.

There is another important thing to know: every vote the HDP or the Green Left Party received is very valuable and honorable. This value has been created based on labor and blood. The Kurdish people support the Green Left Party and the HDP, by risking many difficulties; death, torture and imprisonment. Surely we should be worthy of this. Many people are talking now. Some talk about how things were limited only to Kurdistan, while others say that they were too much directed towards Turkey. Both sides are wrong. The perspective of a democratic Turkey is the right one. Attempts have been made to follow this perspective and important steps have been taken. It is normal to have some shortcomings and inadequacies. We should not make a big deal out of them. They should not turn their energy and power into negativity. They should see their shortcomings and respond to the process with a new synergy. All criticism, self-criticism and discussions should definitely serve this. Some people who do not take any responsibility only talk about discharge, others only talk to be talked about. But this is what it means to take responsibility: they should set their real agenda, conduct serious discussions, give strength to each other, not tire each other out and carry out their work in a comradely fashion.

Nothing has been lost. This is politics, this was an election. The desired result has not been achieved, but there is a clear result. There are reasons for these results outside of our control and there are other reasons related to the HDP. These are already being discussed. The important thing is to draw conclusions from them and come up with a correct plan. But the biggest danger is to tire each other out, to revolve around an incorrect agenda under the name of criticism and self-criticism, to spend your energy on this, for the occupiers to make use of this and to create disbelief. There is no reason for this to happen. A good result has been achieved. No one gave in and everyone resisted. We would therefore like to congratulate everyone and wish them success once again. On this basis, they must have the right discussions, set the right agenda and strengthen each other. The best result will be achieved in this way.