Not the nature of Kurdistan, but the roots of treason should burn

Unfortunately, those who have lost their historical memory are again attacking the unique Kurdish geography, whose peaks reach the sky, with the veins of betrayal. Not the nature of Kurdistan, but the roots of treason that serve the invaders should burn.

There are two very sharp lines in Kurdistan; to resist and fight for the social values to which one is attached or to betray in the most horrible, ugliest form. These two sharp lines, which we face today in the clearest form, will determine the fate of a people.

Kurdistan has always kept the sacredness of its lands alive

Kurdistan has known how to recreate itself from its ashes in the face of every attack, and has grown the seeds of life, not death. In the face of those who have wanted to inflict hell and brutality on it, it has provided life to its people with its fertile geography. With the veins of resistance in its roots, it has always kept the sacredness of these lands alive. That is why the Kurdish people are unbreakably attached to the mountains, stones and fertile soil of Kurdistan. Eyes that do not see the essence that gives life to all humanity, hearts of stone that do not feel the life in the soil, attack with their darkest faces to turn this paradise into hell. So, why did they betray the essence of the soil, that is, the truth that gives soul and life? Did they find it so difficult to see the light and brightness in this land? The true owners of this land should seize them by the collar and ask them. Those who wallow in betrayal should be asked ‘Are these mountains worthless enough to burn and destroy, to break into pieces and sell?’ In fact, the answers to these questions are as burning and bitter as these mountains that are still burning in front of everyone's eyes. The most important thing is to ask the traitors who dared to bring the invading Turkish tribe to these lands to account.

This dirty game must be spoiled

It is necessary to know how to see when looking at Kurdistan, to feel heartily the pain of the Kurdistan geography, which is bombarded every day. Not to see this, not to feel the pain of centuries-old trees turned to ashes, is not getting a share of humanity. Turning a blind eye to the pain of the mountains that turn to ashes in the claws of betrayal means not having any share of morality and humanity. This means that man ceases to be human. Then what to do? This dirty game must be spoilt. Which game? The dirty game played by the occupying, fascist mob and those who internalise betrayal against the future, history, roots and all values of the Kurdish people must be spoiled. The roots of betrayal that extend to the mountains of Kurdistan, the source of life and fertility, must be destroyed. At the root of betrayal is the denial of the self, the existence, the nation and the essence. The KDP and the Barzani family stand before us as the embodiment of this. Yes, they are endeavouring to create a finished, exhausted geography and to sell it to the invaders.

Betrayal is not the destiny of the people

These sufferings of the Kurdish people, especially the people of Southern Kurdistan, are not a fate. The daily bombing and setting on fire of these mountains, which amaze everyone with their majesty, the uprooting of centuries-old trees and the burning of all living creatures living in the soil should not be seen as a fate. Being a mere spectator is nothing but a black stain on human history. The sparks of this fire should burn not the nature of Kurdistan, but those who are servants of the invaders in the shadow of treason.  Not those who fight for freedom, but the traitors who stab their people are doomed to lose and perish. The guerrilla who fights for the honour of this people, who is a comrade of the mountains, who cultivates hope, has already promised to be the hope of its people by burning in the fire, purifying its soul and protecting the core values of its own society at the cost of its life. Neither traitors nor other forces can stand against this. For this reason, everyone's heart should be opened, they should see the majesty of the resistance lineage emerging from their own bosom and stand by it. In this way, treason will no longer be the fate of this people, and it will receive the fatal and final blow from the true owners of these lands. The account for this ancient burning land will be asked, and its revenge will be as great as its pain.