KCK: Those responsible for the massacres will be brought to justice

The KCK issued a statement to commemorate the victims of the Ankara train station massacre.

The Co-Presidency of the KCK Executive Council issued a statement to commemorate the victims of the so-called Ankara train station massacre.

On 10 October 2015, people were gathering for the ‘Labor, Peace, and Democracy Rally’ at the Ankara train station, when the brutal massacre took place.

The KCK said: "Today, we once again condemn this inhuman, brutal, and despicable massacre, which targeted the democratization of Turkey and the process of a democratic solution of the Kurdish question. This massacre has gone down in Turkish history as the largest mass murder. We honor those who lost their lives, and we commemorate all the martyrs of revolution and democracy with respect and gratitude, and we reiterate our promise to them.

We express our greetings and respect to the dear relatives of those who lost their lives and to those who were injured. It is our most fundamental historical responsibility to enlarge the govend of peace, freedom, and brotherhood drawn by the tens of thousands who took to the squares that day and to realize the ideal of a free life of the peoples. With the united common struggle of the peoples, this ideal will surely be realized and come to life."

The KCK added: "The Ankara Train Station Massacre is the biggest in a series of attacks carried out by the AKP-MHP regime under the guise of ISIS. As with other massacres before, the attack in Ankara targeted the process of democratization of Turkey and the democratic solution of the Kurdish question, the unity of the peoples, and the desire for equal and common life. The ideas and solution methods developed by Rêber Apo [Abdullah Ocalan] have strengthened the socialist, democratic, and libertarian forces and created the grounds for the democratization of Turkey and the democratic solution to the Kurdish question, in particular by developing a democratic alliance between the Kurdish people and the peoples of Turkey. However, the AKP-MHP government, which has a fascist, racist, reactionary, genocidal, and expansionist mentality, in order to prevent this path towards the democratization of Turkey and the Middle East, has put into effect the genocidal concept that it had prepared in advance – so-called ‘çöktürme planı’."

The KCK continued: "The Ankara Train Station Massacre took place on the basis of this genocidal concept. The AKP-MHP government’s alliance with ISIS was also within this scope.

In the attacks and massacres carried out in Turkey, Kurdistan, and many parts of the Middle East, ISIS and ISIS-minded structures were used as striking forces by the AKP-MHP government. With this, the AKP-MHP government aimed to realize its reactionary, expansionist, genocidal neo-Ottoman dream. However, due to the defeat of ISIS against the united democratic struggle of the peoples, this plan of the AKP-MHP government did not work and failed. The defeat of the AKP-MHP government and the deep crisis it has entered into is a result of this situation.

The reactions of the fascist chief Tayyip Erdoğan and the AKP-MHP government to the developments in the Middle East and the perceptions they want to create are closely linked to this situation. After failing to achieve its expansionist neo-Ottoman goals with the ISIS plan and failing to become the dominant power in the Middle East, it has taken an attitude that deepens the problems between Israel, Iran, the Arabic peoples, and other states and peoples in the Middle East, provoking and spreading war. With the deepening and spread of war in the Middle East, it is trying to achieve the hegemonic and expansionist goals it could not achieve. As it tries to project, it is neither against the genocide of peoples nor against the massacres committed by Israel. The October 10 Train Station Massacre and the massacres carried out by the AKP-MHP government and the policy of war, genocide, and isolation that it conducts clearly prove this reality.

While condemning this despicable massacre once again on its ninth anniversary, we state that the historical account will be asked for all massacres and mass murderers, and that those responsible for the massacres will be brought to justice. On this basis, we call on all peoples, all democratic, socialist, and libertarian forces, to strengthen their unity on the basis of a united common struggle strategy and to further increase the struggle."