Erdogan’s AKP loses votes in many cities

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) received fewer votes in many cities in the May 14 elections compared to previous elections.

Despite the government crackdown and election fraud, President Erdogan’s AKP lost votes in many cities in the May 14 elections.

The ruling party lost votes in cities such as Elazig, Erzurum, Urfa, Antep, and Bitlis.

The loss of votes stood at 10 percent in the Black Sea region, a stronghold of Erdogan.

Erdogan lost votes even in his hometown, Rize, compared to the 2018 elections.

The AKP's votes decreased from 54.88 percent to 43.26 percent in Erzurum, from 54.63 percent to 40.24 percent in Elazig, and from 52.7 percent to 42.99 percent in Urfa, from 51.45 percent to 44.93 percent in Antep and from 44.77 percent to 37.14 percent in Bitlis.

In Maraş, the AKP votes declined from 58.54 percent to 47.79 percent, while in Sivas, an AKP stronghold, its votes fell from 54.73 percent to 40.5 percent. AKP's votes decreased also in Konya, from 59.51% to 48.07%.

In Istanbul, AKP votes, which stood at 42.7 percent in the 2018 elections, decreased to 36.2 percent, while the party saw a decrease from 40.2 percent to 32.6 percent in Ankara.

The AKP votes decreased from 46.2 percent to 38.8 percent in Bursa, from 40.06 percent to 31.34 percent in Manisa, and from 50.64 percent to 40.62 percent in Kayseri. In Erdogan's hometown Rize, the party saw a loss from 64.99 percent to 54.07 percent. The AKP lost 10 percent of its votes in Samsun, from 51.99 percent to 42.38 percent. While its votes decreased from 56.06 percent to 48 percent in Trabzon, the party lost 13 percent of its votes in Sinop compared to the 2018 elections. The AKP lost 1 deputy and 10 percent of its votes in Giresun as well. Like his party, Erdogan's vote dropped compared to the 2018 elections.