There are some people; the first moment you see them, they warm you up. They radiate such energy around them that they take you into their energy circle. When I first saw Azad, this pure energy of his was immediately noticeable. At that moment, I didn't have the chance to meet him or chat with him. I had to leave in a hurry, but he managed to stay in my memory. After a while, I saw him in another place, so I got to know this young and enthusiastic comrade. During this meeting, comrade Azad always managed to surprise me. My first surprise was when I learned that he was from the Arab people. What actually surprised me was that he spoke Kurdish so fluently. That's why you wouldn't think of this possibility while chatting with him.
When I asked him how he could speak Kurdish so fluently, he replied: "It wasn't very difficult for me, I questioned myself a lot about how come we didn't learn the language of the people we have lived with for years. Why don't we learn their language when they know ours? This was actually a situation related to the borders created in our minds. We have always lived side by side, but then distances started to come between us. The Rojava Revolution destroyed these borders. When I decided to join the struggle, I didn't think this would be enough. I had to learn the language of the Kurdish people and completely destroy all borders." I was very impressed by his sincerity.

True, the peoples of Mesopotamia had lived side by side for years, they had never had any problems with each other. Wasn't it the nation-state understanding that created the problems and tore them apart? This understanding has been destroyed today with the Democratic Nation paradigm of the Leader, which came to life with the Rojava Revolution. Those who believe in this paradigm, like comrade Azad, are destroying these borders in their hearts and minds and turning their faces to the mountains. They are building a new life in the mountains, shoulder to shoulder with those who are committed to this paradigm. The depth, courage and plainness of such a young comrade reminded me once again of the great power of the PKK. The PKK was collecting all the beauty in people and creating a garden of peoples. Comrade Azad was one of them. He saw and experienced many things at a young age, but these things made his heart grow bigger and gave him different maturity.
While witnessing the dark cruelty of ISIS, he also saw that these gangs, who wanted to drown the Middle East in darkness, were enemies of everything good for humanity. He also got to know fighters, wise, brave and enlightened people like Abu Faisal. Azad was impressed by their stance and found a place in his heart for these ancient warriors who fought for them. Thus begins the story of this young, brave and intelligent comrade's journey to the mountains. After taking to the mountains, comrade Azad immediately adapted to life with rapid development. This characteristic attracted the attention of all his comrades. He won the hearts of all his friends with his concise, sincere approach, offering himself to the most difficult tasks, his maturity and comradeship. He deepened himself with the ideology and philosophy of the leader and reflected this in his life. He was attentive to details in life, and with his practical intelligence he would find solutions to problems immediately. He always made an effort to create Democratic Modernity guerrilla characteristics in himself. Comrade Azad knew the requirements of this, and while concentrating on tactics and style, he also developed himself ideologically.

A life stretching from Manbij to the mountains of Kurdistan
Guerrilla and art are two of the most beautiful things that go well together and comrade Azad was one of those who combined them in himself. Comrade Azad stood out with his artistic side as well as his warrior qualities. He never lacked a saz (a stringed instrument) in one hand, creating enthusiasm in every environment he was in. When I asked him how he gathered so much talent in himself, he replied, "The party offers every opportunity to anyone who wants to improve themselves, as long as we know how to use it. At this point, the organization has always paved the way for me. All I had to do was to make the right use of it. Besides, isn't the guerrilla the one who gathers all the talents and beauties in himself?” He was one of those who lived this in himself the best.
When the invasion operation against the Medya Defense Zones began, comrade Azad constantly offered to join the fight from day one. He wanted to be in the emplacements together with his comrades and fight to expel the invaders from these lands. Every moment, he was concentrating on tactics, feeling the sacrificial spirit of this process. With this spirit, he moved to the Western Zap area. Comrade Azad's life was a search for a free life stretching from Manbij to the mountains of Kurdistan. While he became a pioneering fighter with his struggle, he also became the hope of the Kurdish and Arab people, an Egid they were proud of. Comrade Azad became Egid in Zap and became eternal in this struggle.