Internal Security Forces' checkpoints get green

In the autonomous region of Northern and Eastern Syria, the Asayîş checkpoints are becoming more colorful. The Ecology Committee of the Democratic Autonomous Administration has decided to green the checkpoints.

In the autonomous region of Northern and Eastern Syria, the checkpoints of the internal security forces, Asayîş, are becoming more colorful: The Ecology Committee of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) has decided to green the checkpoints. For days, the open spaces around the checkpoints shrubs and trees have been planted.

The greening project includes the Asayîş checkpoints in all seven cantons of Northern and Eastern Syria: Firat, Efrîn-Şehba, Cizîrê, Tabqa, Raqqa Deir ez-Zor and Manbij. In addition to members of the Autonomous Administration's ecology committees, officials of the Asayîş themselves and citizens are  taking part in the campaign. As the committee announced, several thousand tree seedlings and flower bushes have already been planted since the project began last Sunday.

The work will probably continue until the end of the month. Both the Asayîş and the Ecology Committee as well as the population were pleased with the improvement of the environment. In addition, the continental climate that prevails in Syria ensures hot, dry summers. It would be a real relief for people and animals thanks to the new shade-providing areas.