The Central Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLKP) released a statement regarding the ‘Call for Peace and Democratic Society’ made by Abdullah Öcalan on 27 February through the DEM Party İmralı Delegation. The Kurdish leader highlighted the urgent need for democratic politics and called on the PKK to lay down arms and dissolve itself.
“As the MLKP, we declare our support for the national democratic demands that the ‘Call for Peace and Democratic Society’ aims for, firmly maintaining our view on the indispensability of the Kurdish people's right to national freedom, equality and national unity,” the statement on Wednesday said.
The statement pointed out that: “We call on the oppressed millions of Kurdish and Turkish peoples, Arab, Circassian, Armenian, Greek, Bosnian, Pomak, Syriac, Chaldean, Albanian, Roma, Laz, Georgian and Azeri national communities, Muslim, Christian and Jewish religions, Alevi and Yazidi beliefs to step up the united struggle in order for the fascist colonialist Tayyip Erdoğan's administration to immediately declare a ceasefire, to release Abdullah Öcalan and political prisoners, to stop the colonialist attacks, to end the occupation of Rojava and Bashûr (Southern Kurdistan, Northern Iraq), to recognize the Kurdish national existence and the right to education in the mother tongue in constitutional and legal form, and to repeal the fascist colonialist 'Anti-Terror' Law. ”