Hîlala Zêrîn composes song for Jîna Amini

The Hîlala Zêrîn Movement of Afrin Region has released a video clip called 'Jina' to commemorate Jîna Mahsa Amini and support the women's resistance in Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan).

The musical group Koma Hêwa, affiliated with the Afrin Region’s Hîlala Zêrîn Movement, composed a song to endorse the women's resistance in Iran and Rojhilat.

The song called 'Jîna', the lyrics and music of which were produced by Koma Amara, was released in a video clip.

Interviewed by ANHA, members of the group said that as women of Afrin, they wanted to express their feelings after the murder of Amini and to highlight the women's resistance that followed.