YPG reports ongoing attacks and clashes

YPG Press Office reported that clashes between YPG forces and gang groups continued on April 24th while Turkish troops targeted the civilians near the village of Dinayek to the east of Kobanê last night.

YPG (People's Defense Units) Press Office has released a statement reporting that clashes between YPG forces and gang groups continued on April 24th.

YPG Press Office reported ongoing attacks on Aleppo's Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood by gang groups affiliated to Lîwaa Sultan Murad, Ahrar Al-Sham, 16th Division, Lîwaa Al-Fetih, Lîwa Siltan Mihemed Al Fetêh, Arteşa El Mucahidîn, Suwar El Şam, Ehrar Suruye, Cepha El Şamiye, Siqor El Cebel, 101th Division, Foc Alewal, Front El Tirkmen, Tabûrên Ebû Emera, Arteşa Al Îslam, Kombûna Festeqim Kema Emert, Lîwa 13emîn, Firqa El Şemaliye and Tabûrên Nûreddîn Zenkî.

According to the statement, clashes between YPG forces and gang groups continued in the areas of Muselles, Şara Muxaberat and Eşrefiye yesterday, as a result of which 3 gang members were killed and many others were wounded.

On the other hand, ISIS gangs conducted two separate attacks targeting the southern and eastern sides of the Tishrin Dam in Kobanê between 09.30-11.30 and 19.00-20.00 on April 24th.

ISIS groups deployed in southern Jarablus also hit the Girê Sor village to the south of Kobanê's Şêxler town with heavy weaponry between 19.00 and 20.00 yesterday evening.

YPG continued, reporting ongoing attacks by Turkish military on Rojava border line. Accordingly, Turkish troops targeted the civilians near the village of Dinayek to the east of Kobanê at 02:00 last night.