Women's protests in Afghanistan: "We have the strength of the women of Rojava"

Mariam Rawi (RAWA) gives her views on women's protests in Afghanistan and emphasises that they will draw inspiration from the struggle of Kurdish women.

In an interview with the Mezopotamya news agency (MA), Mariam Rawi of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) says that women are taking to the streets against the Taliban with the strength given to them by women in Rojava (northern and eastern Syria): "Women are playing a historic role for the future of Afghanistan right now."

"With women's resistance, we can defeat our enemies not only in Rojava but also in Afghanistan," said the RAWA representative. "The emotional and political bond between women's resistance in these two countries is great, and I hope we can create more networks by sharing our experiences and working together. This will be a breakthrough for us and for our sisters in Rojava."

Mariam Rawi pointed out that women's resistance and women's movements motivate women all over the world: "In this sense, we have a very special relationship with women, especially Kurdish women, who oppose the Erdoğan regime in Turkey."

Common goals - common organising

Rawi emphasised that Afghan women have common goals with Kurdish women: “They all dream of equal rights for women, social justice, a democratic and secular system and a peaceful world. These dreams bring women closer together. All fascist and imperialist countries and governments have common interests. Why shouldn't we also unite? Afghan women are now strong and educated enough to resist the Taliban," Rawi explained, pointing to the underground schools they have set up for women and girls, which were originally established when the Taliban last came to power 20 years ago. “When the Taliban took power in Kabul on 15 August 2021, we rebuilt these schools across the country within a week."

Taliban regime

It has been one year since the Taliban took power again in Afghanistan. In this year of resistance and struggle, many women have been abducted, enslaved and tortured by Taliban gangs. Women and girls have been deprived of all their basic rights. But the women who did not recognise the Taliban regime turned the streets into places of resistance.

The Taliban were in power in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 and committed numerous massacres in the country during that time. In 2001, the US launched an operation in Afghanistan because the Taliban regime supported the radical Islamist group Al-Qaeda, which had caused the deaths of thousands of US citizens with its attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 11 September 2001.

The US had troops in Afghanistan from 2001 until August 2021, when it withdrew. On 15 August 2021, the Taliban captured the capital Kabul and took power again.