YPG: Turkish army targeted civilians in Serekaniye

The occupant Turkish army is increasing its attacks and military activities against Rojava in an attempt to invade further areas.

People’s Defense Units (YPG) Press Office released a statement on Wednesday’s attack by the Turkish army against civilians in al-Mahata neighborhood of Serekaniye city in Rojava.

The statement by YPG said the following;

“Turkish soldiers directly targeted our civilian people near their homes in Sauma area of Serekaniye at around 07:30 on July 25. Fire opened by Turkish soldiers deployed at the border left civilians Eli Naci and Musa Ebeyd wounded. Our fighter İbrahim Sarabî, who was trying to save our wounded people from the fire, also got wounded as a result of the attack.

Our forces immediately responded to the attack of the Turkish army that never hesitates to manifest its aggressiveness and provocative attitude at every opportunity.”