Turkish forces take 300 people hostage northwest of Afrin

Turkish forces have reportedly taken 300 people hostage in Meydan Ekbez sub-district in Afrin, and are forcing them to speak in favor of the invading Turkish state.

Villages of Meydan Ekbez sub-district in Rajo district northwest of Afrin have been placed under a siege by the Turkish army and allied gang groups for one week now. As many as 300 civilians including children and elderly have been taken hostage by the invading forces recently.

According to reports received from local sources, several residents of Miskûtê, Walikliyê, Kurê, Gazê, Kusa and Erebliyê villages cannot head towards Afrin amid the ongoing siege. These villagers have been gathered in Meydan Ekbez sub-district by the Turkish army and they have been forced to speak in favor of the invading Turkish state.

Contact has been lost with the people in question after the Turkish forces targeted some base stations in the region yesterday.