Over 30 civilians kidnapped in Afrin

Occupation forces kidnapped more than 30 people in Afrin, looted their homes, stole their valuable goods and asked for ransom from their relatives.

More reports of theft, looting, rape, abduction and torture are coming through from occupied Afrin.

According to local sources, occupation forces raided homes in Afrin’s Jindires district on Sunday and kidnapped at least 30 people. The gangs are reportedly continuing with house raids and stealing the valuable goods of the civilians.

A source from inside Jindires told that; “The gangs are resorting to new methods in theft, looting and demanding ransom. They are sending the images and videos of the kidnapped people to their relatives in Europe and threatening them, saying “we will kill your relatives if you don’t send us money”.

According to the source, ENKS (Syrian Kurds National Council) supporters are informing the gangs about the people whose financial situations are good, own valuable goods and have relatives in Europe. The Turkish-backed mercenaries therewith kidnap these people and seize their goods and properties.

The civilians in Jindires were reportedly abducted basing on this method.