Women’s Protection Units meet Assyrian Women’s Force of the Khabur Defense Council

Women’s Protection Units Meeting with the Assyrian Women’s Force of the Khabur Defense Council

The YPJ Media Center said in a statement that the General Command of the Women’s Protection Units, represented by Rohlat Afrin, spokesperson Ruksan Muhammed, and members of the YPJ Public Relations Office, Lana Hussein and Dilsuz Afrin, met with the Assyrian Women’s Force of the Khabur Defense Council.

The meeting was attended by the leadership of the Assyrian Women’s Force in the Khabur Defense Council, including Madeline Khamis and several Assyrian fighters.

The statement said: "The General Command of the Women’s Protection Units, Rohlat Afrin, discussed the political situation and the policies of the Turkish occupation forces in the region with the leadership and Assyrian fighters. The meeting addressed the organization of women in the field of self-defense and national security, as well as the achievements of the revolution, as the main issues."

The statement added: "Rohlat Afrin, General Commander of the Women’s Protection Units, drew attention to the occupation attempts in the region, emphasizing that the women of North and East Syria, who play a role in protection, need to organize themselves more against the policies of occupation. The independence and unique characteristics of women should be considered fundamental in this field.

In the meeting, Madeline Khamis, leader of the Assyrian Women’s Force of the Khabur Defense Council, stated that as Assyrian women, they will strengthen their resistance to protect the achievements of the revolution. Madeline highlighted the importance of military training and the training of existing women’s forces, such as the Assyrian Women’s Force of the Khabur Defense Council, as a non-negotiable issue for them."