Turkish attacks kill 9 civilians in Derik, 10 Syrian soldiers in Shera

The attacks launched by the Turkish state against northern Syria have claimed lives.

Intense aerial attacks by the Turkish army targeted Kobanê, Şehba, Zirgan and Dêrik last night.

According to reports from the ground, a civilian car was targeted during the aggression on the village of Teqil Betil in Dêrik, leaving two civilians dead. The very same area was bombed once again as locals rushed to the scene to help the injured.

The second attack claimed the lives of 7 civilians and injured 3 others. Those killed in the attack include Isam Ebdullah, a reporter for the Rojava-based Hawar News Agency (ANHA).

On the other hand, the target of the attacks on the village of Şewarxa in Afrin’s Şera district were the positions of the Damascus troops.

Reports say that 10 Syrian soldiers were killed, and 5 others wounded during the attacks.