Thousands of people take to the streets in Aleppo on th 5th anniversary of Turkish invasion of Afrin

Thousands of people took to the streets in Aleppo on the 5th anniversary of the Turkish state's invasion attacks on Afrin.

Thousands of people from the neighbourhoods of Şêxmeqsûd and Eşrefiye in Aleppo organized a march to protest the 5th anniversary of the Turkish state's invasion attacks against Afrin.

Afrin will be liberated thanks to the resistance

Kongra Star member Nêrgiz Bekir and Opinion Leaders Assembly Committee member Şêx Elî El Hesen addressed the crowd.

Nêrgiz Bekir said that Afrin is the heart of Kurdistan and the stronghold of resistance and added that the people strongly reject the invasion. "The weapon that will achieve the liberation of Afrin is the continuation of the resistance and struggle."

Drawing attention to the importance of the unity of the people of Kurdistan against the invasion, Nêrgîz Bekir said: “The people should be united and strengthen their solidarity against the Turkish attacks targeting Başûr, Bakûr, Rojava and Rojhilat and should be united in the protest against isolation in Imralı. No one can defeat our revolution. We will achieve victory thanks to the determination of our fighters.”

We will return to Afrin

Şêx Elî El Hesen, member of the Opinion Leaders Assembly Committee, drew attention to the resistance of the people of Afrin against the invasion attacks and said: “We are marking the 5th anniversary of the occupation of Afrin. We feel sad and hurt. At the same time, we are proud of the 58-day resistance carried out by our children, women and men from Afrin against NATO's 3rd army. This shows that the people resisting all kinds of weapons, warplanes and tanks will also save Afrin. We are resisting here in the neighbourhood of Şêxmeqsûd. We will return to Afrin."