Teachers in Northern and Eastern Syria attend special training in summer

Euphrates Canton Education and Training Board prepared a program for 3 thousand teachers in which Leader Abdullah Öcalan's defenses will be read and discussed.

Fırat Canton Education and Training Board prepared the summer holiday program for 3 thousand teachers. Teacher groups were determined for the program in Kobanê, Ain Issa and other cities and towns. During the summer break, each group will read Leader Abdullah Öcalan's defense.

Within the scope of the program, 225 teachers read the 5th volume of the book "Kurdish Problem and Democratic Nation Solution".

The readings of other teacher groups continue. After the reading, discussions will be held with all groups on the same topics.

Speaking to ANHA, Euphrates Canton Education and Training Board member Rodîn Mihemed said: “Other parts of the defenses will also be read. The Kurdish people are resisting and developing solutions to the attacks of the dominant and occupying forces, based on the thought and philosophy of Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Women have gained free thought and life today, thanks to the ideas and philosophy of Leader Abdullah Öcalan."

Mihemed said that there is a great need to read Öcalan's books, and added: “We need to read the books very carefully. Because these books show us the way to solve the political crisis that has been going on in Syria for 13 years."