Tabqa Youth Council: “We stand with the SDF”

Members of the Tabqa Youth Council of the Future Syria Party said they are ready to resist the attacks on Ain Issa and the crimes against civilians in North-East Syria.

The Tabqa Youth Council of the Future Syria Party made a statement condemning the increasingly ongoing attacks of the Turkish state and allied mercenaries against the Ain Issa region in northern Syria.

Speaking here, Future Syria Party Youth Council deputy chair Hesen El Kino condemned the treatment of civilians in the territories occupied by the Turkish state and allied jihadist groups.

The Turkish state forces and mercenaries are changing the demography of the region, seizing civilians’ property and displacing local residents, said Kino. He denounced the crimes committed by the Turkish state against local population who were living in peace in SDF-controlled areas until the occupation of their land.

The young activists underlined that they stand with the SDF against attacks and occupation attempts.